The Endless Night

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Endless night it approaches

From a distance it looms black across the sky

Racing to engulf the unwary in its grasp

Across the horizon it rushes

Breaking through the shafts of light with its black tendrils

Octopus like it reaches out its arms to cripple the day

Day runs towards the west, escaping the night

As strange creatures, tentatively poke their noses out of hidey-holes

Looking for their time, their measure of night

Night to hunt, Night to love and live

To mate and die

All in one long night,

One long night of endless darkness

That stretches into eternity

Till day seams a memory of lies

Lies told by ancients who's memory has faded

So faded is that truth than none believe

That sun had once shone upon the land

None may rest there as night rushes on

Till finally daylight creeps in on the unwary

Blinding sensitive eyes with foreign senses

Shutting out darkness with one bolt of brilliance

Slowly, oh so slowly, day creatures awake

After nights long grasp and shuffle out into the new born warmth

Fresh new spring

Work your magic on the land

Bring forth new life and peace

Bring forth erasure of night

So that it is but a memory

So that night grows dim in memories of all.

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