3 1 2

It was such a long journey from place to place

That the sun burnt my arms resting on the wheel

Looking out the window of my travelling box

The countryside oozed slowly by

Drifting into my rear vision mirror

I saw the once green land turn brown in the fading sun

Turning to my companion I noticed a smile upon her face

Tinged with guilt, I asked her why

Her only reply was the touch of her warm hand

Reassuring me that despite the length of the journey the company was acceptable

Time passed, till as days end drew near we arrived at the beach

And laughed as the cooling waters lapped gently at our feet

Like a cats tongue

Slowly we relaxed as the red fire giant sank into the water

You could almost hear the sizzle as it disappeared from view

Poems in the DarkWhere stories live. Discover now