9 1 3

The wind in the trees                                     On a bright sunny day

Blow smoothly through the leaves          As leaves Russell in the breeze

All and proud stand the Cyprus                 We look upon what once was,

On the banks of the Lebanon                     War torn; splendour of old

They once graced the temple                   Nothing left but a wall

And Solomon's home                                   Within Jerusalem's hall

                                         Nothing left of the temple

                                          Nothing left but a wall


Here are the RULES

1. A twin poem is comprised of two columns where both columns of poetry MUST be independent poems within themselves. ie 2 separate poems.

2. You Must be able to READ ACROSS THE LINES OF THE Columns to make One line of a poem.. ie read the whole of line one, then the whole of line two and continue to the bottom to make One NEW Poem that makes sense.

3. You must be able to read Column one THEN column two to make ONE continuous NEW poem.

4. You are allowed to have single lines in the poem to join, enhance or finish the poem.

You get EXTRA COOL points if you can read the columns in the reverse order... ie swap two for one... in the reading order.... __ this one would give me eight cool


Read column one. One poem


Read column two. One poem.


Read one then two together. One continuous poem


Read ACROSS THE LINE of one then two and down. A new poem

ALL MAY use this form of Poetry.... but please, where possible, give credit where credit is due for the concept and design. Oh and don't forget the rules.. otherwise how can people enjoy all your hard work.

NOTE: the last lines follow rule 4.

Poems in the DarkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora