BLANK PAGES (The tyranny of writing)

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The blank pages lay sobbing

Crying to be filled

They stare at me

Beckoning me with their whiteness

Write they cry at me

Crease our corners.

But I'm busy, my heads in foreign places

In cliffs of white and snow.

The pages weep as I put them away

Whispering they'll have their day

They rustle at me, cutting my fingers

As the darkness takes hold.

A cool breeze wafts across my face

Caressing me, reminding me where I am

The smell of snow fills my nostrils

As I look out across the valley

It calls out to me like blank pages

Begging me to write on it and give it life

I relent gabbing my board and set off

Carving letters on its pages, making it speak

As the blank pages cry out

Don't abandon us

Don't make us wait till winters end

Write on us instead, we'll be here waiting

Waiting till all you've done melts to nothing

And you have to write and write

Filling our pages until our curse strikes

And your writer's block descends once again

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