❇️7 - Peggy❇️

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⭐️John Laurens⭐️

A week has passed. Things were the same. Alex dating Jefferson. Me being alone.

Alex was becoming distant. I think he was mad at me from last week. But I cant blame him. I was mad too.

It wasn't fair. I've known Alex all my life and have been waiting for the perfect moment to ask him out.

And Jefferson new him for a day and bam! Now he's dating him.

It's unfair.

I really hope they break up. I can tell that Alex isn't truly happy. He's uncomfortable.

Whenever he's with Jefferson, he's all...weird. And different.

I felt sympathy. He's dating the wrong man. This won't end well....


"WHAAAAT!? ALL THAT IS TRUE!?" Screamed Peggy from across the table. I quickly shushed her.

"Shh! Yes, it is, sadly. He decided to date Jefferson and not me. Perfect, am I right?" I asked sarcastically.

Peggy looked as if she was going to explode from rage.

"I'm going to murder that bastard! I mean Jefferson, by the way. He completely just stole Alex from you! Damn, you must feel awful." Said Peggy as she leaned her chin on her hand.

"I know, right? And now he hardly even sees me, let alone talks to me. He's always with Jefferson and talking about Jefferson...we haven't even spent time together ever since then! God, I just want to...punch a wall!"

"Just not the forth wall."



"Well, anyway. I just hope that Alex realizes that he's with the wrong man soon. Maybe then I can tell him how I feel and he can get with me instead! But I don't even know if he's interested." I said sadly. Peggy rolled her eyes.

"Why wouldn't he like you, John? Think about that."

"Because he sees me as a friend?"

"But come on! Friends get together all the time! So there's a chance! I bet that he will fall for you one day and you'll see!" Said Peggy with determination written all over her face.

I chuckled nervously, "Possibly. But for now...I don't know."

Peggy got out her phone and started texting.

"Who're you texting?" I asked.

"Eliza and Angelica. They need to stay updated about these things. And maybe they can help you out too." She answered, still looking at her phone.

"Okay, that's good."

There was a silence at the table. Then Peggy turned her phone off and faced me. She looked serious.



"Do you love Alexander?"

I blushed, "Love is a strong word. But it might be the right word. I don't know..."

"Hmm?" She grinned.

I laughed and looked out the window beside us, "W-Well, it's just that...he's incredible. I mean, he has so many cool hobbies. Like how he can write like no other. Um, he knows how to talk really well...he's just...I don't know. He's...beautiful." I answered truthfully.

"Awww! You smooth mother fucker! You have to get with him!" She said.

I giggled, "Not really an option right now, Pegs. But thanks for encouraging me."

We stood up from our seats and I hugged her.

"Aw, you're like a brother to me, John." She said as I pulled away.

I smiled, "And you're like a sister to me."

She laughed, "Well, I've got to get going. See ya! Good luck!"

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