❇️13 - A Sudden Move❇️

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:Alexander Hamilton:

I suddenly felt two hands shake me awake. I groaned and rolled over to face the ceiling. Or, rather them. Laurens.

"Hey, bro, I have an idea. Since neither of us have school today, wanna just, you know, hang out? You and me? Just two friends on a perfect day?" He asked with a cute smile.

I rubbed my eyes and slightly nodded, "Sounds great." I said sleepily.

The two of us decided together that we would see a movie at the theater. We didn't plan anything after that but oh well. We'll figure that part out later.

As we were walking there (because we're broke and don't fucking own cars) we talked about life and stuff. Just happily and normal like how it use to be. Nothing about me dating Jefferson or anything. Just...normal. It was nice.

⭐️John Laurens⭐️

"Oh, hey, the theater is just up ahead. C'mon." I said, walking slightly faster than before. I looked in the distance ahead of us to see the movie theater in which we were heading to.

I was quite grateful to spend a day with just me and my best friend alone without anyone interrupting or anything. Just me and him. And I liked that.

Mostly because I liked him but y'know, right now I was just focused on being friendly with him.

But all that stopped when I felt a small hand intertwine it's fingers with mine. Blushing, I looked to my left to see Alex holding my hand, but looking quite casual about it. He looked at me with confusion and tilted his head like a puppy.

"Hmm?" He asked.

I looked down at our hands, "Um, we're holding hands?" I said. It was more of a statement than a question.

He looked down and quickly pulled his hand away.

"Oh! Sorry! It's just that," He paused and blushed, "Well, me and Thomas never hold hands. I saw yours and I wanted to know what that felt like. I'm sorry if you were weirded out by that..."

He looked slightly sad now. Gah, I shouldn't have asked. I think he really wanted a hand to hold and I just ruined it for him.

Feeling bad, I took his hand  and rubbed my thumb along it comfortingly. He looked up at me and smiled, but blushing quite a bit too.

"Oh, thank you, babe— I-I mean— you're not Jefferson. Thanks, Laurens..." He said with a nervous laugh.

I thought it was cute so I decided to tease him, "You're welcome, babe."

He looked to the opposite side of me and blushed furiously. I laughed at his cuteness and took us into the theater, since we were practically there.

All throughout the movie, we continued to join our hands together just like a couple would do. But we aren't a couple so get those sinister thoughts out of your heads.

*Timeskip brought to you by Daveed's floofy hair*

Me and Alex both ended up falling asleep mid-way through the movie. We peacefully slept beside each other, accidentally cuddling as we did so until some dumb fuck decided to wake us up when the movie was over.

And who was that dumb fuck, you ask?

Thomas Jefferson.

"Alexander?" He asked, looking pretty pissed if you ask me, "What is this?"

"Uh— Thomas? Why are you here?" Asked Alexander, still half-asleep. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Does that matter? Just answer my fucking question!" He screamed.

I was going to say something, but Alex answered for me.

"I'm just spending time with my best friend, what's it to you?"


"Best friend you say? Holding hands and cuddling during a movie is friendly to you!?" Screamed Jefferson once again.

"Um,—" I began.

"Yeah! It is! Now today is supposed to be a me and John Laurens day, no one else. So leave us be, please. Goodbye!"

Still holding my hand, Alexander pulled me up from the seat and started walking away with me. But it didn't end there.

"Hold up, we're not done here!" Yelled Thomas.

Alexander turned around annoyed, "What do you want!?"

"How do I know you're not cheating on me!? Hmm? How do I know that John isn't your new boyfriend or something!?" He yelled.

"That's not true, Jefferson, now leave us alone! Besides, you're the cheater not him." I mumbled the last part, trying to walk away again.

I was suddenly pushed over from behind resulting in me falling to the ground.

"I told you not to hang out with people like him, Alex." Said Jefferson to Alex. I groaned, slowly standing up. Alex helped me.

"Like what!? Finish what you just said!" Screamed Alex.

Before the fight could continue, I stepped between the two, "Okay you, two! Just shut the fuck up already or we're gonna be kicked out!" I paused, "Excuse us, Jefferson, but we will be going now. Good day."

I swung my arm around Alex's shoulder and began to walk away from him. Once we were outside and away from Jefferson, I let go of him and groaned.

"Why are you dating him!?" I lectured at Alex. He sighed.

"I told you already. He makes me feel like I'm finally loved!"

"By screaming at you and telling you who to be friends with and who not to be friends with!?"

"You weren't much different three days ago." He mumbled.

I grew quiet, too shocked from what he said.

He was right.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It slipped out. I'm sorry." He grabbed my hand, "Let's just move on and do something else."

*Timeskip brought to you by "I'm a general! Wheeeee!"*

After the movie we basically just got lunch and went home to hang out there. We ended up watching more movies and shit until basically midnight. Once the last movie turned off, we turned off the TV and found ourselves cuddling close with a blanket around us. Neither of us moved. We just lied next to each other, holding one another until Alex spoke up.

"Am I actually cheating on Jefferson?"

I put on a sympathetic look and leaned closer.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, by doing all these...things with you. I mean, I just wanted to know what all these romantic things are like so I'm just doing them with you. All Thomas knows how to do is fuck me and make out with me. So I just wanted to explore the other things. I didn't think It'd make me...bad." He said quietly.

"Alex, I can't lie, you are kind of right about all that. But hey, friends still cuddle from time to time." I looked down at our position then back up at him, smiling.

"I hope you're right about that last part. Because this does feel nice." He cuddled into my chest and sighed.

I never thought I'd see Alexander so...soft. To other people he's so angry and cold but to me, well, he's always been different. He's always nice and excepting, unless the times where we fight.

He's not even that way towards Thomas.

But today...damn. He's just been cuter and softer than ever.

And that caused me to want to move closer to him.

So what did I do?

I did the dumbest thing I could ever do.



I kissed him. I fucking kissed him.

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