❇️10 - Bros Before Hoes❇️

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❇️Alexander Hamilton❇️

That afternoon I was after school for a bit because I had gotten into trouble. I had gotten a bit too offended by someone's opinion and started yelling at them. That kind of turned into a fight. And yeah, now I have to stay and help Mr. Washington as a punishment.

"Sir, I finished writing the essay." I said, handing the teacher my stack of papers.

"Really? But you started it twenty minutes ago. And for all this?" He flipped through the fifty-one pages of the essay.


There was an awkward silence.

"Well, okay, um, what else can you do. A-ha! How about you run down to the library and get me some copies of this paper? It's an upcoming test and I don't have enough so you can go do that for me. Okay?" He asked while handing me a piece of paper with some writing on it.

"Can do, sir." I said as I headed for the door and walked out, heading towards the library.

Everything seemed normal for a minute, until my thoughts were distracted from the seemingly-normal rain from outside. I was never very fond of rain. I had had some bad experiences with it in the past. Especially with—

I heard faint thunder from the distance. I shot my head towards the window and saw a few lighting strikes. I immediately began to freak out.


Not thinking much about it, I ignored my mission and ran towards the front door, shaking as I did so. I took a quick deep breath and ran outside. I needed to get back to the dorms. I can't just stay in the dark and ominous school alone in a time like this.

I ran as fast as I could to the male dorms building. I flung open the door and ran inside.

But then came a thought.

Where do I go?

Another strike to be heard which caused me to wince. I needed somewhere to go and fast.


It sounded perfect for a moment but then I remembered that he's out partying with friends on Friday afternoons.


Me and him had been on bad terms lately. But he had always been good at comforting me whenever there was a storm.

Okay. John it is.

I ran up the stairs and to the forth floor. I reached the room, room 1776, and quickly turned the key. Then I flung the door open and ran inside.

⭐️John Laurens⭐️

I was freaking out.

There was a fucking storm outside and Alex wasn't back yet.

Where the fuck is he!? Is he okay!?

Alexander had hated storms. Well, as of recently. In the Caribbean about a year ago, there was a terrible hurricane which resulted in the destruction of his town. It killed many people, almost including Alexander. He described how terrified he was during the storm. He had no one to go to and was trembling with fear. He just knew that he was going to die. But he somehow didn't. He survived. And ever since then, his worst fear has been thunder storms.

Which was why I was so scared. I really hoped that he had been with Jefferson or someone to have comfort. If he wasn't, I'd really feel bad. I just hoped he was safe.

Ten minutes into the storm, the front door shot open out of nowhere. I quickly looked over at the door from the couch to see a soaking wet and shaking Alexander. Just as I feared.

My eyes widened and I ran up to him, immediately embracing him. He was shaking quite a bit and was crying. He was also very cold and his breathing was fast.

"Alexander! Oh my God, are you okay?" I asked quickly.

He hesitated, "I...I— n-no, I j-just—...J-John." He winced.

"Don't worry, Alex. The storm will pass. You'll be okay." I said.

A really loud thunder strike was to be heard which caused Alex to escape from my arms and over to the bedroom. He jumped into his bed and hid under the covers. He looked so helpless.

I ran over to the bed and crawled inside. I held him close as he cried into my chest. He had never held onto me this tight before, he seemed so scared.

"Alex, it's okay. You're okay. Shh." I said soothingly. He seemed to be a bit calmed by my words.

I pulled up the blankets for more comfort and kissed the top of his head.

Another strike of lightning.

Alex winced and held me tighter.

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay." I reminded him. "You're safe with me here."

He calmed down and loosened his death grip on me. I sighed in relief. He was calming down.

Thirty minutes into the storm now. Things outside had died down a bit and Alex wasn't as scared, but still trembled with fear.

"J-John?" He asked, looking up at me.

"Yes, Alex?" I asked quietly.

"Um, I'm sorry about all those things I said yesterday. A-About you controlling my life or whatever. You're not controlling my life, you're only trying to protect me. I'm sorry for not realizing that. You've always been good at looking out for me anyway. Especially now. I want to thank you for that." He said quickly.

I smiled slightly, searching for the right words to say, "I'm sorry too. I should really learn go just accept for decisions and opinions."

"We good now?"


The lightning became more distant and Alex wasn't afraid anymore. Soon the only thing that remained was the little fall of rain from outside. Despite the stop of the storm, we still cuddled under the sheets.

"Hey." He said hesitantly.


Alex became a deep shade of red and looked down, "Y-You're a really good cuddler, y'know?"

I blushed and giggled at his weird compliment and held him close.

"Thanks, ya cutie."



I am the king of fluff.

I'm the worst at smut and kinky shit tho lol


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