❇️18 - The Schuylers❇️

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:Alexander Hamilton:

"YOU LIKE HIM!?" Screamed the three familiar sisters from across from me on the couch. I had gone to them to get help on what to do about my feelings for John. Since the Schuylers were known as "love experts", I thought they were the perfect people to go to.

I blushed and looked down at my feet, "Y-Yeah, I found out a few days ago w-when he kissed me. I remember thinking about how right it felt and how I wanted to keep going. And you already know about how I broke up with Jefferson. That bastard... Anyway, um, I need...help. On how to tell him. I honestly just...I don't know how I would even start if I could tell him..."

The three "aww"d in sync and Angelica was the first to speak.

"Okay, okay, first of all...do you actually love him? You have to make sure that you are really committed to be apart or a romantic relationship with him!" She said seriously. Eliza and Peggy nodded in agreement.

I thought about it, "I-I think so...it might be a little early to say that I love him but it does feel right to be in a relationship with him. And not just because I want to be in a romantic relationship this time, it's mainly because I like John for who he is...unlike my relationship with Thomas. It's different from that. Way different. So, um, I really do feel committed to being with him." I said, straight from the heart. The Schuylers literally melted.

"Aww, that was so smooth, Alex!" Said Peggy.

"Alright, so this is what you're gonna do," Began Eliza. The three sisters whispered among themselves, for the perfect plan, I assumed, "Ask him out on a date! To some...fancy restaurant or something! But make sure it isn't too much! Anyway, as you two are talking and having fun, just...tell him! Exactly how you just told us! And we are for sure that John will agree to dating you!"

This caused me to blush, "Haha...yeah, that sounds good." I began, "But what if he says no? I don't think I'll be able to take that kind of rejection. I like him and if he said no...I don't know how I'd take it."

Their expressions fell, "No, hon, John will say yes! And we know that because..." They exchanged awkward glances to one another, "W-Well, you'll just find out why."

"Um, okay? If you say so, then! Gosh, this is really a great idea! Thanks, you three, so much!" I hugged the three sisters and we said our goodbyes.

I was excited for this plan. And I was sure it was going to work.

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