❇️17 - Jefferson's Excuse❇️

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So, this chapter is kind of unnecessary but I'm just a big fan of Jeffmads so I wanted to write what happened after Ham left them. So yee.


.Third Person.

"Um.. Thomas, you said you were single?" Began Madison, staring in disbelief at Thomas.

He began to sweat and rubbed the back of his neck, "James, I-I can explain."

A sudden strike of rage swept through James, "It better fucking be a good excuse! I actually believed you! I actually started falling for you! And this is how you repay me!?"

Just an important note, Thomas and James had been close friends for a while, closer than most. They were able to tell each other everything like their feelings and their secrets, everything! But when Thomas began to start crushing on him, he didn't know what to do or how to handle his feelings. It drove him nuts. So I basically tried to get with any person he could try and rid of his feelings for Madison. But as you know, that didn't work. He didn't know why he did this. He had no idea why he wanted to do something as random and crazy as to get ride of his feelings for someone. Maybe it was simply because he was scared. Scared that if he confessed, it would only drive Madison away. Then he would loose his only friend.

That's right. Only friend. Jefferson had only ever had one friend in his life and that was Madison. He didn't know why he would want to hang out with someone like Jefferson, but he did. Jefferson was able to show him every side of him, share his insecurities and much more. He was thankful to have a friend like this. But he couldn't handle the thought of ever loosing someone as him.

But as of today, Thomas got a crazy thought in his head that he should confess. He didn't know where this came from or why he wanted to do it so bad, but he did it anyway. And turns out that James accepted his feelings and they ended up getting together.

...But Jefferson forgot that he was currently taken.

And that did not get him in a good place.

Thomas attempted to think of the best way to explain everything to Madison. He just hoped that he would be accepting as always. "J-Jemmy, it's a long story. But I've...always been in love with you and had no idea how to handle it. I thought that if I ever told you how I felt, you would think I was weird or say that you weren't gay and leave me forever. So I wanted to get rid of my feelings for you. I tried getting with anyone I could, doing anything at all but it just didn't work out. But today something just told me that I should tell you how I feel and you know where that went. We got together. Um, I'm sorry. I completely forgot about Alexander, that guy just now. He's one of the guys I tried to get with. Um...Jemmy, I get it if you're mad at me or if you want to leave me. I completely understand. I don't have any way to persuade you. What I did was idiotic. But just to let you know...I'm sorry."

Thomas looked down in shame, awaiting his response. He knew it would be a negative reaction. He did something stupid and if he were James, he wouldn't forgive him.

But James looked...compassionate. He looked...touched by what Thomas had said. No way he would leave him after all that! That would just be cruel! Thomas had been suffering for such a long time and just to let him go after all that hard work...that would be so horrible.

So James grabbed Thomas by the collar, pulled him closer and kissed him roughly as a symbol of acceptance for him.

Thomas was shocked by this. Definitely not what he had been expecting at all, but he was really happy that James was understanding even through all of his flaws.

James pulled away a few seconds later, "Even if what you did was stupid, I forgive you. I never knew how much shit you were going through because of me. That must have really sucked for you. But that's all in the past now. I'm all yours now, Thomas. You got what you wanted."

Almost in tears, Thomas hugged James tightly. He was so happy at this moment. He finally got what he wanted. He was finally with the man of his dreams, James Madison.

"I love you, Jemmy." He said.

"I love you too."

Thomas kissed him again but slowly and full of love, unlike his usual kisses he gave Alexander and everyone else. But since Thomas finally was with someone he actually loved, he thought it would be best to kiss them right.


Still hate Jefferson? Probably, but still.

This was so fucking cute to write! I never write Jeffmads so this was cool.

Well anyway, look forward to tomorrow's chapter! Byeee!


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