Extra Bonus

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Warning: This is going to be a long chapter.
Sorry if this is nothing like you imagined.

"I am leaving Mr. Wright" I called out, leaning by the door of his cabin.

"Already?" He said in surprise, checking his wristwatch "It's only four, Ms. Samuels"

I rolled my eyes. Sometimes, I think he forgets who's the boss "I have a date with my husband and I don't want to be late"

"See you on Monday then. Happy weekend" he wished, turning his attention back to the laptop.

"Thank you" I waved him bye though I knew he isn't looking.

Rushing into the empty elevator, I pressed the parking button and waited.

"Thank God it's Friday" I murmured to myself, sighing in relief.

The last two months had been hectic for me and Jason with our busy schedules that we rarely had time for each other.

Lucky for Jason, World Cup will end next week but my training in dad's company will continue few more months.

The elevator came to a stop and I hurried out quickly, searching for my car.

Twenty five minutes later, I parked at my garage and dashed into our home, hoping my kids are inside instead of being at my dad's.

I wanted to spend some time before getting ready as I didn't get to be with them the whole week.

Seeing them cuddled on the couches watching cartoon brought an instant smile on my face.

"Mommy" Dustin stood up on the couch, his eyes full of excitement and raised his arms to give me a hug.

I squeezed him in my arms, kissing his hair "How are my babies doing?"

Pulling back, he grinned "I was waiting for you"

I smiled. I knew he will be.

"How was your day?" I said, placing a kiss on Justin's forehead.

"The same. Can I get an ice cream today?" he asked, giving me a pleading look.

I sighed. He was denied of ice creams since two weeks because of cold and I hated saying 'No' every time he requested.

I hate saying 'No' to my kids, period.

"Please mom. I don't cough anymore"

"You did, just before mom came" Jean prompted.

"I didn't!"

"You so did"

"Justin, two more days and I will let you have, ok?" I said softly, pulling my fingers through his hair.

He gave a sad look but nodded before shifting his attention back to TV.

Leaving the boys, I sat beside Jean placing her on my lap "How was school today?"

She turned to face me with a pout "I got a B in Math"

"Oh my baby" I cooed, kissing her cheek "We shall sit on Math, tomorrow. Sorry mommy had been so busy and so was daddy"

"I know" she said bowing her head "I asked grandpa's help but I didn't understand a word"

Chuckling, I pulled a hair away from her face and placed it behind her ear "Daddy will be free from next week meaning mommy will be free. I can help you with your math. Also, let's go on a holiday"

"Next weekend?" she asked enthusiastically.

I laughed "No promises but we will go as soon as possible"

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