Chapter 6

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Word count- 745 words.


No ones POV

It's been two weeks. The show is in two days. Everyone is so excited, especially you. You're so nervous but everyone keeps reassuring you that you'll do amazing.

Johnny also told everyone (besides you) that he has a crush on you. It's been a week but they've been trying to 'set' you up. Like the time Ash just 'happened' to trip and fall into you causing you to fall into Johnny's arms, all while romantic music was playing. Another time they tried to get everyone to play truth and dare but Johnny quickly refused. They've been doing it for a week now, they think it's hilarious. Johnny gets so mad and embarrassed. But you of course don't know about it, as the team keeps it hidden.

Johnny's POV

All of us besides (y/n) are at a restaurant. We were all talking as we were deciding on what to order. I took glance back up at the others and see them all smirking at each other while wording silent words.

"Guys no!" I said, immediately knowing that they're talking about me and (y/n). They just stop and look at me while trying not to smile.

"What are you talking about?!" Ash said.

"You guys know plenty well." I mumbled, covering my face with the menu. They just laugh a bit but suddenly stop. I don't know why, so I looked up to see (y/n) walking in the restaurant towards us. I gave the guys a glare before looking back at (y/n). My face immediately softens seeing her beautiful (h/l)(h/c) hair and her sparking (e/c) eyes. She meets eyes with me and I look back down at the menu.

"Hey guys what's up?" She asks.

"Nothing much." They all say at once. 'Why do I have the feeling they have this all planned out?!'.

She just laughs. "Mind if I stay for a while?" She asks.

"Sure, (y/n), there's a spot right by Johnny. Make sure to get something of you want!" Rosita says. I look around the table and just now realize that the only spot left is the one next to me, and we don't have another menu. Even if I'm mad at the guys for doing these embarrassing things to me I can admit, they did a good job at planning this. 

"Okay, thanks guys!" (y/n) said, sitting next to me. "You don't mind if I look Johnny?" She asks, referring to the menu.

"Uh sure... not at all!" I said, soon realizing how awkward I sounded. I turn red in embarrassment. I looked up to see the others all smirking at me while raising their brows. I just tried to sit and wait patiently,  but it's hard when (y/n)'s head is almost touching my shoulder trying to see the menu.

I finally realized how stupid I was, I moved the menu closer to her so she could she better. She then looked at me and gave me a small smile. 'Oh my goodness I'm such an idiot!' My mind screams. I only got redder in the face.

"I'd like to get something but I don't have money." (y/n) laughs.

"Oh, sweetie, I can get it for you." Rosita says.

"No, I don't need it, you guys have done too much for me, already. (y/n) says.

"Oh, it's nothing really." Rosita says.

"Yes it is! It means a lot! I'm so grateful you helped me after... after I don't know what honestly." She said, looking at her tattoo making everyone burst out laughing.

I can't help but glance at the small tattoo on her right forearm. I guess the Mike catches me looking at her arm because he "smartly" says, "Johnny like her tattoo?!"

I blush again and (y/n) turns to me and laughs. "Well, I'm happy at least someone like it." She giggled some more. "I don't understand it at all, why would anyone get a tattoo that says 'TS 243'?"

"Maybe it's your lucky number." Meena suggested.

"And TS?" (y/n) adds.

Meena stayed silent for a moment, "Yeah I got nothing." She said before taking a sip of her drink. (y/n), Rosita, Ash and Gunter giggled a bit.

Let's just say that everyone had a great time, including Johnny who almost wanted to thank his friends for bringing you, even if he did think he made a fool of himself.

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