Chapter 24

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Warning- This chapter mentions blood and violence

Word count- 962 words


Your POV

...And those were the best days of my life...

It was now around 6 in the morning. I tried to fall back asleep, but I failed. I slowly got out of bed, not wanting to wake the tired now two year old. Oh, how my little boy is growing up so fast.

I quietly changed out of Johnny's shirt into some of my own clothes. I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen. Joshua wanted Pancakes for his birthday—oh, don't forgot the chocolate chips.

I turned the stove on before moving to the mix. I poured small amounts of batter onto the skillet before throwing some chocolate in.

"Mornin', (y/n)." Johnny wrapped his arms around me from behind. 'Dang his groggy voice though.'

"Good morning." Smiled and turned around to hug him. I heard a tired yawn from the other side of the room. We both turned our heads to see Joshua holding his favorite blue blanket with white clouds on it.

"Good morning, sweetie." I said, leaning against Johnny.

"Morning, Mommy, and, Daddy." He said, walking over to us in his little footie pajamas. It took awhile for him to reach us with his small sleepy steps.

"Come here, buddy." Johnny said before scooping him up in his arms. Joshua giggled a bit but snuggled into his fathers arms. I joined in once more and we all laugh as we have a big family hug.

"What day is it." I said, poking the little ones side.

He giggles. "My birthday."

"Yes it is. You're getting so big." I added. "You can get ready. I'll take him." I said to Johnny, taking Joshua out of his arms. He plants a kiss to my hairline before taking off.

"I made Pancakes just for you" I say tickling Joshua's side.

"Mommy, stop." He said, giggling up a storm. I set him in his high chair and grab him some pancakes.

"Happy birthday, bud." I said, ruffling his black hair.

Johnny came down a moment later and grabbed himself some food as well as for me. We quickly ate our food, excited for the party we were going to have; we were having it at the Theater because there was so much space, and all of Rosita's kids would be there as well.

"Come here, bud." Johnny said, gently grabbing the little boys sides. He hoists him up onto his shoulders and Joshua giggles. Johnny holds onto one of Joshua's thighs with one hand and takes mine in the other. We laughed and told jokes as we walked, Joshua talked most of the time but his "stories" are so cute.

"Grampa is gonna be there right, Daddy?" Joshua asked.

"Yes, he wouldn't miss it for anything." Johnny said.

As we almost reach the Theater and Joshua laughs in excitement, seeing the tall and unique building. Just then, many people bust through the doors of the Theater, shattering the glass. In that moment time seems to stop; they all have black uniforms and a badge on their chest, but something is different. They all have guns in hand. I caught a glimpse of skin, no fur, skin, just like mine.

These people are like me, but why do they have guns. They then looked towards me. I got a bad feeling.

"Get her!" One yelled, and they start running towards us.

In one swift motion Johnny lets go of my hand to pull Joshua off his shoulder and into his arms.

And we run.

We had quite a good head start and we knew the town. We cut through all the alley ways.

"Who are they?" Johnny said, holding a crying confused Joshua.

Memories flood my mind and I need to fight the urge to stop them. "T-they're the ones who gave me this." I pointed to my tattoo, still running.

I heard shots being fired and police sirens in the distance. We stopped in an alley way trying to hide. I noticed a weird tingling feeling in my wrist arm around my tattoo, the feeling grows stronger and stronger and starts beeping. A tracker. They've been tracking us.

I don't know what to do. I see a piece of broken glass on the ground, I don't hesitate to grab it. I hold it to my arm and take I deep breath.

"(y/n), what are you doing?!" Johnny yelled, trying to grab it. I quickly put the glass into my skin, I made a cut on my arm. I whimpered a bit in pain, and tears come to my eyes. There, in the red fluid that starts leaking out of my arm, is a small grey square. I hope this will solve my problem. I took it and threw it down on the ground. I grabbed Johnny's hand with my good arm and started to run.

"What did you do." He asked, clearly worried.

"It was a tracker." I gasped, out of breath. I look down at the blood trickling out of the wound. I feel a bit queasy and I look back up.

"Split up and find her!" I heard someone yell over the police sirens blaring everywhere. Gun shots are heard as helicopters fly from the distance. I hear police fighting against the people that are here to get me.

As we ran out into a more open spot I see two of the strange men out of the corner of my eye. I shoved Johnny with my arm trying to get him to move faster and out of sight 'I can't let them get hurt.'

And just like that, the sound of a bullet cracks through the air from behind me, and I fell over.

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