Chapter 22

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A/n: I just want to apologize in advance. At the time I was writing this I had a huge writers block, which is why there is a fairly large time skip. Again, I'm sorry.

Word count- 1195 words


Your POV

It's been three years since I got married to Johnny. Three wonderful years. I don't think my life could be anymore perfect. I laid in bed next to my husband with our child in between us. I smiled at the sight of him laying peacefully in Johnny's arms. Joshua (Sons name: you can change it if you want I just thought it would be cute because it's a lot like Johnny😊) looks so much like his father, Joshua could be Johnny as a child besides his eyes being (e/c) (if your eyes are the same as Johnny's just say they look like both of your guys eyes). Right away it was strange to think that I was having a baby Gorilla, but I quickly got over it knowing it was our beautiful child, Gorilla or not.

Today is little Joshua's 2nd birthday. He has grown so much, too fast in my opinion. Taking care of him as a small baby was some of the best days of my life.

I scooted a bit closer and Joshua squeaks a bit in his sleep. I smiled at the sight. 'Our perfect little family'. Everyday my life seems to get better and better, falling deeper in love with the two people that mean the most to me. I think to myself that everyday is so amazing that it couldn't get better. Even if I'm so grateful for every perfect day I get to be with my family, I clearly remember the five best days of my life. I close my eyes and smile as the beautiful memories take over...

"I like you too." I said, smiling while blushing like crazy.

"Oh, thank god." He says, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist. I smile harder and stand up higher and kiss his cheek.

The day Johnny and I got together is how my journey on life took a great turn. Finding love was the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm happy to say that I'm happy I was sent here, even through all the pain and torture I received it only brought me good. The people in white lab coats and blue gloves sent me to Johnny, the love of my life...
"Johnny are we there yet?" I asked him as he carried me on his back. My eyes have been closed now for what seems like forever now.

"You sound like a child." He said. I giggled a bit. "But yes, we will be there soon."

After a few more minutes he sets me down my eyes still closed. "Okay, you can look now." He says.

I open my eyes and smile widely as I look around. We are at a lake; the stars and full moon shine brightly down on the lake; the cloudless sky makes the mirror-like effect on the lake perfect. I turn to Johnny with a smile on my face, and I see him there, on one knee holding a box in his hand. 'Is he-!?'

Johnny cuts my mental conversation off. "(Y/n)...since the day I realized I loved you, my life has only been better... You are absolutely perfect and I feel so lucky for finding someone like you, you are one of a kind, (y/n), a one of a kind girl, and that's what I like about you, you are amazing in every way." Tears staring rolling down my face at his words, but he wasn't done yet. "I never thought I would be the guy to ask a girl this, but here I am kneeling in front of the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. (Y/n) (l/n), will you marry me?" He says opening the box, inside lays the most beautiful ring ever (imagine your dream wedding ring). Somehow tears start rolling down my face even harder, tears of compete joy.

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