Chapter 27

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A/n: Hey guys! It would mean so much to me if you would check out NayeliNovoa2026 ! She just started to write her own Johnny x reader.

Warning- The feels...

Word count- 1154 words


Your POV

The doctors are bringing in an ultrasound machine. There isn't much for them to determine from a blood test, so an ultrasound will be better to determine to condition of the baby.

I saw the looks that the doctors are giving me and other doctors, they don't look very happy, almost looking sad, and like they are trying to give me sympathy. I honestly don't know what to do. I feel like crap, a extremely sad and guilty piece of crap. I would definitely be sobbing if I wasn't to weak, I'm all cried out as well. But Johnny isn't, he still has his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and cries into my stomach. He's been like this for many minutes now and I wonder when it will stop, but my question is answered when Johnny takes a deep shaky breath and loosens his grip on my to pull away slightly. He looks into my (e/c) eyes, the chocolate brown orbs are filled with tears and look so sad.

I feel myself break. It hurts to see him so sad. I want to hug him tightly but both of my arms are injured and are in pain. It doesn't stop me from trying to hug him, though. He gets the message, and moves up so his arms are now slightly below my shoulders. He buries his face into my neck and let's it all out. I can't cry anymore tears, honestly I think they won't come back for a while. But even if I can't physically cry in my slightly weakened stage, my chest still holds a burning stinging pain, and the familiar knot forms in my throat. I thought my life could be normal after I got over what happened in the past, but here I am laying broken in my husbands arms.

Johnny pulled away, still shaking and pressed his lips on mine. It weakens the pain I am in, stronger than the extra amount of painkillers I am on right now. I could care less if there's doctors in the room right now, but I kiss harder. Johnny pulls his hands up to cup my face tenderly. But finally the kiss needs to end when air becomes a priority.

I would kiss him again but the doctors come in with what must the the ultrasound machine. My stomach does a small leap of nervousness. I almost don't want to know what the baby's condition is, I just don't know what to do if they were... You know.

They wheel the machine over to me. My hand instinctively reaches for Johnny's, and then his fingers instantly intertwine perfectly with mine. I just stare off into the distance as the doctor puts on gloves and grabs what must be the gel.

"Ma'am, I have to warn you that none of us have hope that this baby is still alive, I'm so sorry." He said, clearly trying to show support. The knot only tightens in my throat, and I feel Johnny's squeeze mine as he inhales sharply.

After my hospital gown is pulled up revealing my stomach the doctor rubs the cold gel on my stomach. I just look at it. How could we not know? I feel like a horrible mother; I didn't even know that my child was living inside of me.

When the doctor placed the actual instrument on me—the one that will show me if my child is alive or not—a feeling of sorrow passes through me. I look up on screen, just black and white lines show on the screen, until a small lump shows in the center of the screen. I've been to enough ultrasounds to know what it is, it is a baby, our baby.

"Okay, we are going to listen for a heartbeat, now." He said before turning on a switch. I heard slight change in sound in the machine and we again look at the screen as we are completely silent. I don't even breathe, along with everybody in the room. The room is dead silent, I give up hope.

But suddenly a quiet heartbeat is found. My hand squeezes Johnny's as I gasp. I can tell the doctors are surprised, they look at the screen and turn up the sound. I'm guessing they just want to make sure this is real. They turn to me and Johnny.

"We don't want to get your hopes up." There goes all the hope I had. "It's a miracle that the baby is still alive, and we think it's a small chance they will make it, their heartbeat is faint and you may have just lost too much blood, it put major strain on the baby." He said.

Tears would be rolling down my face if I wasn't all cried out. The doctor turns off the machine, and I see Johnny staring at the screen. I can see the look in his face, he has already grown attached to the baby on the monitor. I can see how he doesn't want the screen to be turned off. I feel the same way.

After the doctor wipes the gel off of my stomach and leaves the room along with BD and the others, Johnny placed his hands on my stomach rubbing circles on it with his thumbs.

"You know your, mummy, and I love you so much." He whispered. I sobbed out and covered my mouth with my hand. "We both want you to make it; we want to hold you in our arms and sing you to sleep; to tell you how much we love you, and just call you ours." His voice cracked, and somehow tears finally are able to roll down my face. My eyes feel so itchy and puffy, the tears don't help.

"We both want you here with us, so much. We all love you, us, your grandpa, and your brother. We just need you here. I don't know how we can make it if we lose you little one. For the few hours we've known you were here we've grown to love you so much. I know the worlds full of hate, and this situation is an example, but if you are able to be in our arms, I promise all we will show you is love." He says as he sobbed. I don't know when Johnny started writing, or saying speeches, but I don't care as I sob. His words pulled on every heart string in my core, and I can only agree with every word he said.

My sweet child of you can hear us we need to let you know we love you, and you are our Hope.....
A/n: My heart😭

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