Chapter 8

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Word count- 2807 words!


Johnny's POV

I walked to the prison like I usually do every Saturday morning. That's when I visit my dad. It's been around three months since he went to prison for the robbery. Since then he has completely forgave me for failing my part as the designated getaway driver.

It's the same thing every time, walk in, say my name and who I want to talk to, then they call my dad then I get 15 minutes to talk.

"Hey, dad." I said, picking up the Orange phone.

"Hey, son, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing good." I said.

"You did great last night." He said, while giving me a smile.

"Thanks, dad." I replied.

"Who's the (y/n) girl?" He asks me. My mind drifts as I hear her name but I quickly snap out of it as realization takes over.

"Oh! Uh she started a few weeks ago." I reply quickly. My dad gives me a weird look but doesn't ask about it.

"Oh where's she from she doesn't look like anyone I've seen before." He said. I think of her (h/l)(h/c), her 'furless' skin and her face, even if she looks different from everyone here she seems perfect to me.

"Uh what? O-oh s-she um doesn't remember." I stutter.

"You okay, Johnny?" He asked.

'Uh oh', "Y-yeah everything's cool, dad." I say a bit to quickly. He raises a brow, but a look of realization comes over his face.

"You like her, don't you?" He stated, putting his face in his hand.

"N-no!" I say too quick, once more.

"No, Johnny." He says under his breath.


"You can't, she's different."

"She's not different, dad-"

"Yes she is! Have you looked at her!" He shouts, as he's starting to get mad.

"Why does it matter, she's the nicest girl I've ever met, dad, who cares-"

"I care." He growls. By now I bet everyone else in the room is looking at us.

"Oh, so now I can't make my own decisions!" I yell back.

"You're bloody right, I am your father!" He shouts.

"Well where were you for me all those years, huh! Being the best father ever by being in a gang?!" I yell.

"I can do whatever I want, like tell you what to not do! Because I am your father!"

"You know what, mum always told me that it doesn't matter-"

"Don't you dare bring your mother into this!" He snarls.

"Goodbye, dad." I said flatly before turning around and leaving. I quickly walked home, not a care in the world.

As soon as I got home I couldn't help but think at how I just finally got my father to accept that I didn't want to be in the gang, I wanted to be a singer. He was happy that I was happy and I thought it would always be that way. But now he is disappointed about my decisions once again.

I couldn't help but yell and frustration and punch the punching bag that was next to me. He was never the same after my mum died.

My frustration builds and I march my way up the stairs to my room. I just grab the old family photo and look it. Why did I need to loose everything good about my life after the accident? But then (y/n)'s smile comes into my mind. I smiled. Well, maybe there is one sweet thing left in my life...

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