Chapter 18

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A/n: Lol. I don't know what this even is. All I remember was that I was craving a breakfast burrito when I was writing this. That's probably why it turned out like this.

Word count- 638 words


Your POV

I yawned as I rubbed my eyes, taking in the bright light that went through the small window overlooking the road. I stretched and groaned as I did so.

Johnny was nowhere to be seen, so I slowly got out of bed. I walked downstairs with my bed head and Johnny's massive shirt on. As I walked down the stairs I saw Johnny sitting in the couch. I got closer and saw he was holding a photo. I've seen it before, it's the one of him and his two parents. He must have heard me because he looked up and me and put the photo down giving me a weak smile.

"Good mornin'." He said.

"Morning Johnny." I said before crawling into his arms.

We both stayed silent for a moment just hugging each other tightly. But I broke the silence.

"You should visit him."

"I don' know." He sighed.

"But don't you miss him?" I question, pulling away slightly to look in Johnny's eyes.

"Yeah, but I don' think he'll wanna see me." He says, his eyes slightly fill with tears.

"You'll never know if you don't try." I say caressing my hand across his cheek.

He leaned in and kissed my nose I giggled as he said. "You always know how to cheer me up." Giving me a heart stopping smile. I blushed a bit, remembering when I said that to him. I leaned back into his shoulder resting my head on it.

As he hugged me his large hands went to my waist sending tingles up and down my spine.

"You look adorable right now." He said, moving a hand up to touch my crazy hair and the other pulls me closer. I blush once more and we sit in silence again, it's a comforting silence.

I feel Johnny's chest move up and down with every breath he takes. It almost lulls me to sleep, but I'm interrupted by my stomach growling loudly. Johnny chuckles a bit and I close my eyes smiling at the sound.

Again, just like a while ago he picks me up and carries me around as he makes breakfast I love cooking, but usually I'm still asleep as he gets up to make it.

As he makes the breakfast burritos I give him kisses in between, I giggling with each and every one.

I was peacefully eating my food when I started to feel small pieces of it hitting my face. I turned over to look at Johnny and I piece nails me between the eyes 'Who knew he could be so childish'. (Have you ever had a food fight?! Uhh I'm so childish😂)

I pretend to look away and eat my food but as he's about to throw another piece, my half eaten burrito 'somehow' ends in his face.

I laughed and began to run for my life as he's rubbed the food off his face. As I got half way up the stairs trying to hide I here him shout from below. "That's righ' you better hide."

I quickly dove into the cupboard under the bathroom sink. He probably didn't think I would be able to fit because it looked really small, but it actually is decent sized.

He's checked everywhere else at least twice and he walks in the bathroom. I stifle a small laugh, but he must have heard it because the cupboard opens and he grabs me. I scream as he picks me up and tickles me.
Let's just say a large chuck of the day was spend with Johnny trying to get payback by tickling me....

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