Chapter 30

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Word count- 1725 words


Your POV

The past few months have been amazing. Simply amazing. I have finally 100% healed from my injury. The pregnancy has been amazing so far, and our small family has only grown closer together. I'm making lunch for the three of us, Mac and Cheese, Joshua's favorite.

The two of them are at the store getting some groceries. I wanted to go, but of course Johnny offered to, well more like forced me to stay home because the baby's due date in 7 days and I should be on bedrest. I love Johnny and how protective he is of me and our son, but sometimes it gets on my nerves. Like honestly, he probably wouldn't be too happy to know that I'm making lunch instead of resting.

I dropped the spoon I'm holding as a wave of pain courses through my abdomen, hot water splashes onto my hand burning it slightly. I groan in pain, both from the scalding water and the immense pain in my lower abdomen. I know people say your body forgets what pain feels like, but honestly remember this pain, this pain is labor.

I know Johnny will be home in around half an hour. He left not that long ago, and it didn't take long for the two of them to pick up some groceries. I pick up on finishing the Mac and Cheese because you know priorities, this girl and her baby are hungry!!!

Mere moments later I'm hit with another pain, this time it almost brought me to the floor, it hurt. I'm usually not a worrier but that escalated quickly 'f@$k'... Part of me wants to grab my phone and call Johnny, but the other part of me *cough*stomach*cough* wants to finish lunch.

I chose the first option because I felt like that was a better option, even with my grumbling stomach. I went to go sit down grabbing my phone in the way to the couch. One ring... Two rings... Three-

"Hello?" Joshua's voice comes from the other end.

"Hey, sweetie, can you get your dad?" I asked, trying to block any pain from my voice.

"Ok, Mommy!" He says.

"Hey, love, how are you?" Johnny's on the phone now.

"Johnny the baby's coming" I say.

"Were almost done we will be home soon!" He said with slight worry in his voice.

"No, please get here fast. It's happening to quick" I say scared. The two contractions I had were already so close, and painful.

"Okay, we will be there soon, stay on the phone with me." He said obviously running. I heard them run to the car.

"Johnny make sure to buckle Joshua in before taking off." I warn. I hear Johnny set the phone down and quickly try to buckle Joshua in the car seat. I heard his fingers fumble and him swear under his breath.

"Johnny! Not in front of Joshua!" I yell into the phone.

"Sorry, love, just a bit stressed!" He said just before the car starts moving. Then the door slams.

I'm not surprised when he arrives home shortly after. Just as the door opens another painful contraction courses through my body. Johnny comes running to me quickly falling into his knees.

"I'm fine." I say in a short breath.

"What's wrong with mommy?" Joshua asks curiously.

I meet Johnny's eyes. "Your little brother or sister is going to be born soon."

"Yay." A smile going ear to ear grows on Joshua's face.

Johnny helps me to the car after strapping Joshua in one more.

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