The New Girl: Part 2

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I plop down on the bleachers next to Kira who's holding a lacrosse stick.

  "What's wrong with you?" Malia asks Kira from the other side of her.

   "Me? Nothing." Kira answers but not very convincing.

   "You reek of anxiety." I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "And it's distracting."

   "What's going on?" I ask Kira now because Malia does have a point. Kira seems tense.

   "Scott and I sort of had this thing happen. But it wasn't much of a thing. And I'm starting to think it never was anything at all." She answers.

  "What do you want it to be?"

  "More." She sighs.

  I then look down at the field and realize Scott and Stiles are now covering goal.

  I watch as it's Liam's turn and he side steps and makes a goal. I smile, proud of my little bro.

  "Do-over!" Malia yells as she stands up. I sigh and put my head in my hands.

  "Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is practice." Coach says.

  "Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles."

  "I'll take that action." Coach turns back. "Hey get back in there, Liam!"

  Liam steps back up to the front of the line and runs. He runs right pass Stiles and towards Scott. Scott then flips him and I swear I can just feel Liam's pain.

  I run towards the field to my brother.

  "Don't move! Don't touch him!" Coach demands.

  "I'm okay, Coach. I'm alright." Liam stands up but then falls down again but I catch him. "Agh! I think it's my leg!"

  "I think we better get him to the nurse." I say. Coach nods and I start walking towards the school, Scott helps me with Liam and Stiles follows us.


  The nurse told us to bring Liam to the hospital so we're rushing him in. Our step-dad is going to be mad.

  Scott and I set him in a wheelchair and a nurse with curly hair walks up.

  "Uh hi, Mom." Scotts mom glares at him but takes Liam's handles.

  "Don't worry, Liam. We're going to take good care of you." She motions me along.


   We end up getting our step-dad as the guy to examine Liam's ankle.

"It's broken isn't it?" Liam asks after step-dad looks at his ankle.

  "It's definitely going to need an X-ray." He mutters.

  "It's broken and it's all my fault."

  "No it wasn't, Liam." I say softly, looking at my broken brother.

  "Want to tell my what happened?" Step-dad looks between us.

  "I went up against two juniors. One of them is the captain of the lacrosse team." Liam explains.

  "Remember what we always say? Play smart, not hard."

  "Are you mad at me?" Liam asks and I rub his arm.
  "No of course not. Your mom might be mad at me for getting you into lacrosse, but maybe we should all three wait for that X-ray before we panic. And trust me, I have more reason to panic than you. It's not over yet. Wait for that x-Ray." He then leaves me with Liam.

"Liam." I say. He turns and looks at me with sad, puppy-dog eyes. "It's going to be okay. And I doubt Scott meant to hurt you."

"Yeah, whatever." He replies, looking down at his hands.

"I'm going to call Mom so you don't have to. I'll be right back." He nods and I step out of the room.

I see Scott leaned up against the wall. "He's going to be fine, Scott." I say. He looks at me with guilt. "Go apologize." He nods and I go call my mom.


After my long, angry call with Mom, I walk back to Liam's room.

"So Mom is really pi-" I stop and realize he's not even there. "Liam?" I look around and spot no Liam. Or Scott.

I pull out my phone again try to dial Liam but he doesn't answer. He must've went home, I wouldn't be surprised.


I get back home and realize Liam isn't here either. "Where are you Liam?" I whisper, suddenly scared.

"I'm right here." I spin and see my brother.

I hurry over and pull him into my arms. "Where did you go?" I pull away and cross my arms.

He slightly laughs. "It's a really funny story actually." I raise my eyebrow to tell him to continue. "Scott and Stiles kidnapped me."

I uncross my arms and smack my forehead. "Why did I ever become friends with them?" I mutter.

"Because Stiles is totally into you."

I quickly look at Liam. "What?"

"I heard them and he kept saying your name." He shrugs.

"Okay, well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight."


At school the next day, Liam came up and told me that Scott and Stiles practically cornered him, asking him questions.

I walk quickly and as soon as I make it to Stiles' locker where him and Scott are currently standing, I slam the door and both boys jump.

"Oh. Hey y/n." Stiles says, rubbing his neck.

"Kidnapping my brother? Really?" I was close to yelling.

"Sorry but-" Scott tried.

"I don't care what you have to say, Scott. Or you Stiles." Stiles looks at me hurt. "You guys changed his life yesterday. Not in a good way." They look at me with fear in their eyes, like I figured something out that they wish I hadn't.

"You could've broke his ankle! He wouldn't have been able to play lacrosse and he loves lacrosse! It helps him. And then you nearly scared him to death by kidnapping him? What's wrong with you guys?" I pause. "Okay, guys. Liam is my little brother. He's really important to me. So do me a favor and not speak to him. Or me." I angrily storm off and head to class.


Stiles has been trying to apologize to me all day but I won't have it.

"Please, y/n. Talk to me." He is now following me around the halls like a lost puppy.

"Go away, Stiles." I walk to my locker and put in my combo.

"We're sorry about Liam, we really are. Isn't his ankle okay though?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm not mad at you guys anymore." I grab my textbook and shove it into my backpack.

"Can we at least be friends?" I glare at him. "Or not."

I sigh and close my locker. "I really care about him, whether I show it or not so I cant be friends with people who scare him or go around kidnapping people."

Stiles nods, understanding.

  I sigh again. "But I'll make an exception." He looks at me with hope filling his eyes. "You guys have to stop with whatever you're doing, alright?" He quickly nods. "Okay. Walk me to class?" He smiles begins walking.


Little did I know that becoming friends with these goofballs would lead me to dangerous things, such as the supernatural, and falling in love with a dork.

That's the end! How'd y'all like it? I know there wasn't much with Stiles but I just got this idea and loved it so I wrote it down. Anyway, vote, comment, request, blah blah blah

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