Drunken Words Equal Sober Thoughts

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Omg you requested this like a month ago, I'm so sorry but here it finally is niallforever15

  "Lydia. No, I'm not going to the party." I sternly say as I collect my textbooks.

  "Faith, you've been stressed for weeks. You gotta have fun once in a while."

I scoff. "I have fun."

She rolls her eyes. "Like what? Drooling over Stilinski?"

"Hey! I do not. He's my best friend, that's weird." I feel my face begin to burn and I let my hair fall, trying to cover my blush.

"Whatever you say hun. Speak of the devil."

My attention turns to where she's looking. Stiles is currently heading towards us.

"Hey, Faith. Lydia." He gives us a smile. "So, are you going to the party tonight?"

"I am, of course." Lydia says quickly, picking at her nails.

"Cool. Are you?" He points at me and Lydia raises an eyebrow.

"Umm..." Lydia gives me a look and I groan. "Fine. But I am not getting drunk."

Lydia pouts. "You're no fun. But I'll take what I get." She shoots me a wink. "I gotta go to class. Text me later." I nod and she walks away.

"What was that about?" Stiles asks, walking with me to class.

"She thinks going to the party will help me 'de-stress' or whatever." I sigh. "Doubt it though."

He softly laughs and lifts his backpack higher up. "We'll see."


"Seriously?" I groan and glare at Lydia who's currently holding what looks like to be a skin tight red dress. "I'm not wearing that. You can." I point down at my dark jeans and jacket. "I'm wearing this."

"If you're going to a party, you're going all out." She shoves the dress in my arms. "Now go dress."

"No Lyd-" She shoots me a look that could kill. "Fine. Don't blame me if I look like a sausage wrap." I mutter, walking into the bathroom.

I strip down and slip on the dress. I look in the mirror and grimace. Why Lydia??

I step out of the bathroom and Lydia squeals. "You look hot!"

"Shut up." I mumble and pull the skirt down.

"Okay. It's time to go show Stilinski that he doesn't want to be stuck in the friend zone anymore." She struts out of the room.

"I'm going to regret this." I whisper to myself and grab my leather jacket.


"You clean up nice." I jump. I turn and see an amused Stiles. "I can't remember the last time you wore a dress."

"Lydia got attacked by the alpha. I'd say that's pretty unforgettable." I yell over the music, glad no one is paying attention to us.

"You're right. I just wanted to be nice." Stiles says, taking a drink of whatever's in his cup. An awkward silence covers us.

I sigh. "Sorry. I just don't like parties or being shoved into this dress."

"It's fine. I know." He smiles.

"Faith." I look at Lydia and she shoves a drink in my hand. "Have. Fun."

"You know, I don't really like you pushing me out of my comfort zone, Lyds." I groan.

"How else are you going to get out of it?" She smiles widely and heads into the huge crowd of hormonal teens.

"I'm surprised Scott didn't come to make sure I won't get drunk. His senses must be killing him this time." I take a sip of the drink and immediately start coughing and gagging. "Ew." I wipe my mouth. "How do people like this stuff?"

Stiles laughs. "Right?

Stiles and I continue talking and drinking and the next few hours are a blur.


I roll over and groan, grabbing my head. Hangovers suck. I should've just ignored Lydia.

Suddenly, I hear a snore come from beside me. I freeze and my heart beats fast. I slowly look over and see a shirtless Stiles.

My eyes widen and I sit up quickly. This isn't my room.

I look around frantically and see clothes scattered all around the floor. I look over to the desk.

A red dress lays on top.

If possible, my eyes widen bigger.

Before Stiles even wakes up and notices his best friend laying right beside him, I get up from the bed, grab my dress and shoes, quietly head out the door and begin walking home.

The whole walk home, I had one question that kept popping up in my mind.

What happened last night?

I know this probably isn't what you're expecting or hoping for more but like I've said before, I'm not really comfortable writing those scenes, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, vote, comment, request, blah blah blah.

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