Diner Girl

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"Y/n." I crane my neck and see Mindy, my fellow co-worker. "Can you get that table for me? I have to go wash my hands. I got that freakin' hamburger smell all over." She points over to a corner booth and I immediately recognize the kids faces from school.

I internally groan but nod anyway and quickly she thanks me before running off.

I brush down my apron and grab my order pad. I then head over to the booth.

"Oh, hey y/n." Scott begins. "I didn't know you work here." Stiles lifts up his head and seems surprised when he sees me, almost head-butting Lydia in the process.

"Yeah. I started a couple weeks ago." I clear my throat. "Anyway, you guys ready to order?" They give me their orders and I quickly jot them down, trying to ignore the fact that I can feel Stiles' eyes burning into my cranium.

I nearly run away when they're done ordering and head towards Jim, the cook, to give him their orders.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" The old cook asks.

"I can't stand talking to people who are actually my age." I say. He laughs. "No, I don't know why but being around people outside of school makes me feel awkward."

"You're always awkward, Sweetheart."

"Hey!" I playfully glare at him and head over to start filling drinks for Scotts pack- I mean group.

When I finish, I walk over and hand the group their drinks. They thank me and I softly nod and walk away.

"You're making me hard-core cringe, y/n." I hear a voice say, giggling.

"I make everyone cringe, Mindy." I say, laughing with her.

"Not Stiles."

I flick my head to look at her. "What are you talking about?"

She motions towards the table and I see Stiles staring at us but he quickly looks away and scratches his neck. "He hasn't stopped staring at you." I feel my face burn. Before I can say anything, Jim rings the bell, telling me the order is ready. I grab the trays, head back over to the group, hand out their orders, and leave as fast as I can.

For the next twenty minutes, I continue taking orders and everything else I'm supposed to do. I handed them their bills ten minutes ago and now they're deciding to leave.

I sigh, relaxing but before I start cleaning off the table, I hear a voice come from behind me.

"Hey y/n." I turn around and see Stiles.

"Hi Stiles." I lightly smile.

"So, umm, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to go out sometime? You know after work or a day you don't work?" Stiles quickly, and awkwardly, asks.

"Well, I sort of work-" His face drops. "But I would love to whenever I have the day off." A smile takes over his face.

"Oh!" He pulls out a napkin. "Do you have a pen?" I nod and dig around in my apron. I find one and hand it to him. "I'll give you my number." He writes down his number and hands me my pen and the napkin. "So, uh, I guess I'll see you at school."

"Yeah, I guess." I brush my hair behind my ear.

"Goodnight, y/n."

"Goodnight, Stiles."

He then leaves the restaurant.

"Told ya." I jump and put my hand on my chest.

"Mindy! Don't do that!" I scold her while she laughs, practically rolling on the floor.

"I was right. He's totally into you." She says after calming down.

My face begins to heats up again. "Shut up." I mutter.

Like I said at the beginning, I got the whole 'Diner Girl' thing from 'A Cinderella Story' and I kinda got this idea while watching it. Haha oops. Anyway, vote, comment, request, blah blah blah.

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