11 || ❝the facades they put up.❞

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❝103, I have a question

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103, I have a question.❞ 

Oh boy, what kind of trouble did you get yourself into now?❞ 

Well I was just doing some thinking.❞ 

This is already going nowhere good.❞ 

No, I'm being serious. I was doing some thinking and you know how they say that each person has several different masks that they use in their life? Like the facades they put up to keep who they truly are a secret?❞ 

Um...did you just come out of psychology class or something?❞ 

Actually, I did. It's what brought up the thought.❞ 

Okay. And your point?❞ 

What if that's my problem?❞ 

That you're hiding behind another version of yourself?❞ 

No, because I know who I am and I'm authentically happy with who I am. But maybe other people are scared to take off their masks and find out who I really am.❞ 

Well that wasn't narcissistic at all...❞ 

I didn't mean it like that! It's just-❞ 

Or maybe you just need to put on a mask. Grab a random one and try it out. Change isn't necessarily a bad thing you know.❞ 

I know. But on the flip side, what's so wrong with wanting someone to love me for just me?❞ 


Hey, I got a question for you.❞ 


What's your name, 103?❞ 

It's against the Heartbreak Hotline policy to give out any of my personal information, including but not limited to my real name.❞ 


Yeah, really. But nice chat London. I've got to-❞ 


I have to go. There's another client on the line.




103, who are you really?❞ 

©Lightning_Stryker 2020

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