15 || ❝as my date.❞

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❝103, you won't believe it! I talked to Delilah today! I actually talked to her! She sat with Annabella and me at lunch and my goodness, she's so gorgeous

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103, you won't believe it! I talked to Delilah today! I actually talked to her! She sat with Annabella and me at lunch and my goodness, she's so gorgeous.


I actually did it! One more step closer to taking her to prom!

Wait, prom? You never mentioned that before...

I didn't?

No! Stop holding out on me dude!

That was my main goal though.

To take her to prom?

To take her as my date to prom. I'm telling you 103, you really sparked some kind of change by daring me to go up to Annabella.

I'm literally so glad to hear that. I'm honestly still shook you actually did that though.

Yeah, me too. I'm shocked I even had the nerve to walk up to Annabella. I have such trouble talking to girls, I thought I would just make a fool of myself.

And look at that, you not only have Annabella as a friend, but you also got to break the ice with your crush! 

I was so mortified when I saw her sitting there. My twig arms were literally shaking to their core.

You were shooketh.

Not funny. I seriously had no idea what to do, what to say. I felt like she thought I was weird.

Those are just the nerves talking, dear boy.

Could be because I caught myself glancing at her like a little kid.


No, it's not cute! It makes me feel like a total loser! I can't even look at her like a normal human being because I'm so freaking infatuated with her. Why would a girl like her want a guy li-

Hey, hey. Baby steps, remember? You can't go from being totally shy to a love doctor in one day.

I guess you're right.

But was she at least anything like you pictured her to be?

Oh, she's even better. She's outrageously smart and she likes comic books like I do.

Wow, look. The nerds are just multiplying around here.


Okay, okay, I'll stop. Sheesh, Mr. Touchy.



This is going to sound really stupid but...

But what?

But maybe there's the slightest chance I just might end up going to prom with my dream girl.

My fingers are crossed, boo.

Mine are too.

© Lightning_Stryker 2020

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