25 || ❝mysterious girl.❞

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❝It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning and London's heart had already begun its acrobatic act within his chest

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❝It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning and London's heart had already begun its acrobatic act within his chest. As if it were ready to perform for a crowd of people, it beat so fast that it felt like it was going to break through his flesh and pop itself out of his very own body.

As he stood before a foggy mirror, he adjusted the black, thick-framed glasses that were perched upon his slender nose. His eyes of a deep ocean blue studied the reflection of the foggy silhouette that reciprocated the exact quizzical expression that was plastered on his face. Noticing that a few strands of his onyx hair were sticking up, a grumble escaped his lips as he combed his long fingers through the messy mop upon his head. To his disappointment, the strands stuck up once more. London, now feeling defeated from his morning bedhead, let out an exaggerated sigh. It was just best if he packed up shop and went on his way.

The short walk from his house to the driveway felt like it lasted an eternity. As he gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek, he was on his way to meet his 'friend' to study. London's conscience was filled with guilt, as he never actually wanted to fib to his mother. Yet, it wasn't actually a lie in its entirety. He actually was meeting a friend and they were planning to study. Yet, for some reason he figured that the art of kissing was something his mother would prefer he not to dabble into.

His voyage to the park took no longer than fifteen minutes, as the Watkins' residence was smack dab in the middle of Greenville. Luckily for him, everything was accessible within a fifteen mile radius- including the park he was to meet 103 at. 103, the girl he was finally going to be able to put a face to. 103, the girl who had made his brain do flips and flops as it tried to put her pieces together. 103. What a mysterious number for an even more mysterious being.

His thoughts traveling at an exponential rate compared to the speed he was actually driving at, London was relieved to see that he had arrived at the park a little earlier than expected. Parking, London's slender fingers began to fiddle with his smart phone, checking to see if he had missed any messages during his drive. To his disappointment, no one had dared to contact him. It's not like it should have been a big surprise, no one ever seemed to reach out to him. And if he were quite honest with himself, he wouldn't be surprised if 103 had took his money and ran. He couldn't say he blamed her.

What girl would go out of her right way to practice kissing with him? And for some peculiar reason she did seem so eager to do so...

Pushing the thought aside, London put his phone in his pocket as he approached the park that was filled with giggling children, quiet bookworms on benches and couples who were pointing at the clouds as they watched them pass by. As his feet led him forward, his eyes were caught by a young couple and their children. The mother was reading to her little girl, a girl with black hair and bright green eyes. As London caught a glimpse of what he assumed to be the father, he realized that the little girl seemed to be a perfect blend of the both of them.

However, London's eye completely missed the little black-haired boy that woddled at their side. Barely able to walk, the boy clutched onto his father's pant leg as he let out the most adorable giggle London had ever heard.

Realizing that it may be a bit weird that he was staring, he decided to sit on a bench. The boy chuckled to himself as 103's comment about the 'crusty looking benches' ran through his mind. Nature took ahold of his reality as his body became oddly relaxed at a time where he would normally feel like his nerves were getting the best of him. As he realized that he seemed to be the only person in the park without a companion, his phone dangled between two of his fingers until the full screen became visible. His eyes grazing over the screen, a giant 11:46 could be made out. He was early.

"Ohmygosh, London Watkins?!"

Jumping from the unexpected voice, his head moved toward the noise so fast that he was sure he'd have whiplash in the morning. A familiar, bubbly blonde stood before him with a stack of textbooks beneath her arm and a large tote draped over the opposite arm. Her light blonde hair flowed in the wind as her eyes twinkled in delight at the sight of him. Letting out a grin, London couldn't help but notice how beautiful she really was. How had he never made note of this before?

"Annabella? What are you doing here?❞

© Lightning_Stryker 2020

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