Little playground

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"YOONIE AND KOOKIE WANNA GO TO THE PARKKKKKK!!" Yoongi screamed and Jungkook joined in later on, the caretakers soon came rushing into the room where the little ones where 'meant' to be playing with the car toys.

"Why is our cute baby's screaming hmm?" Hoseok asked picking up Yoongi and poking him on the nose.

"Yeah you where literally screaming the dorm down. Even a death person could've heard you" Jin said picking up Jungkook and bouncing him up and down.

"Yoonie an' kookie wanna go to the park." Yoongi said.

"What's the magical word munchkin?" Jimin said.

"Pweaseeeeeee." Yoongi replied showing off his puppy eyes and pouting.

"Okay since you asked so nicely baby" Hoseok said.

Both the littles screamed with joy (omg I'm literally listening to the best song in the world!! Best of me by BTS) and jumped out of their caregivers arms cuddling each other as if it was their last time seeing one and other. Taehyung and Namjoon got the littles dressed into matching clothes, oversized blue jumpers and cute shorts with converse shoes to add the cherry on top of the cake. Jin made each member a small pack lunch containing some of their favourite foods and desserts cause Jin is da best and put a name tag on the ones that where meant for everyone.

"Are we weady yet daddy?" Yoongi asked Namjoon jumping up and down every where he was.

"Yes yes baby lest go" he replied grabbing hold of the littles hand.

Yoongi was skipping whilst keeping a tight grip on his caregivers hand not wanting to get last like he had before. Jungkook was holding onto Jins hand and was, unlike Yoongi, was walking at a normal pace not as excited as Yoongi. It was dead at the park since it was a nice early Monday morning and as soon as they arrived Yoongi ran to the slide and quickly climbed to the top of it before screaming as he slid down laughing excitement clearly showing in his face on the other hand Jungkook was swinging on the swings smiling with joy.

"YOONGI JUNGKOOK DINNER TIME COME GET YOUR FOOD" Jimin shouted as Jin got the food out of his bag.

"One more time?" Yoongi asked.

"Eah go on then but only one pinky promise?" Jin said.

"Pinky pwomise" and with that he ran off and once again slid down the slide but this time when he went down just as he was about to get up he fell over.

All hell was let loose. Tears and screamed where let loose as Hoseok quickly ran over to the little and swiftly picked up the little and brought him back over to where the members where sitting. Jin grabbed the first aid kit that he had brought just in case whilst Namjoon Tae and Jimin tried to calm Yoongi down. Jungkook was worried just as much as the rest of them.

"Shall kookie kiss it better?" Jungkook asked.

"Mhm Kookie it huwt so so so much." Yoongi screamed tears threatening to fall down his face once again.

"Muah" Jungkook exaggerated kissing the wound which splattered itself onto Yoongi's leg.

"Tank you 'ookie"

"Any time Yoonie wants I will do wike the pwince I am." Jungkook laughed.

"Alright baby this might hurt a bit but I promise it will make it all better if you be a big and strong knight, okay?" Jin said.

"O'ay as long as you pwomise, pwomise it will get better."

Jin cleaned the wound with clean water and of course for the younger it and stung by the cause he was a brave knight he didn't cry, only squirm a bit in Namjoon's embrace. Once that was done he grabbed a plaster, which was decorated with different species of animals, and carefully placed it onto the littles leg, making sure not to hurt him.

"And... done well done kitten you where so brave for mommy weren't you?"

"Mhm" Yoongi said making grabby hands towards Jimin who gladly picked up the older.

"Awe I think our two brave boys are tired." Tae said picking up a yawning Jungkook.

"I think it's time for your naps, how about we get heading back to the dorm?" Hoseok said.

The members all headed back to the dorm with two snoring littles. When they got back they slowly opened the door and went to the room that was especially made for the two littles and placed them down onto their beds. Namjoon carefully covered over the two babies and kissed both of their foreheads before saying goodnight.

A Little Cute ■EDITING■Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя