I Didn't Know Final

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Sorry I made you wait so long anyways here it is hope you enjoy

They shouldn't of left him...

"Yoongi , Yoongi?" Jin sobbed as he saw the young rapper laying lifeless on the hospital bed.

The doctors said he should wake up any minute but Yoongi showed no intentions of even opening an eye at any moment. The members had never left his side and managed to persuade the doctors to let them stay with him. They couldn't just leave him now after all they put him through, it was horrible for them to not notice after all this time. They wanted to make it up to Yoongi so they stayed with him one of them only leaving now and then to the food for the members. How could they be so oblivious to Yoongi's actions? How did they not notice after all this time that he had been doing it? They felt awful, a failure as a brother and a band member.

Of course now and then they had suspicions about the rapper but had never thought to show any interest all because they didn't want to see him, didn't want to send a second glance at all. Bags layer themselves under the members eyes as they prayed and prayed Yoongi would wake up and be fine again, they wanted to see him laugh and show his gummy smile to them even if it was just once more. They couldn't stand to see Yoongi like this only knowing that it was completely their fault, they could of prevented this from happening. They could of stopped Yoongi from self harming and save him from this situation but they were to self centered to notice him falling apart piece by piece.

"P...please....Yoongi we're so so sorry. It's....it's out fault that you ended up in this situation but.....but please pull through this. Your a tough cookie so we know....we know you will get through this. Just.....just open your eyes and....and smile." Jimin whispered softly, tears gently strolling down his soft cheeks.

Tae had his hand laced with Yoongi's and Jimin was holding the other hand. They both looked at Yoongi with hopeful and glossy eyes wondering when they will see his beautiful brown orbs again, what if they never see them again? What if Yoongi won't wake up at all? No, they can't think like that Yoongi will pull through he's stubborn and won't let himself slip away from his safe place. Hoseok was sitting down next to Jimin whilst staring at Yoongi's face at how he didn't notice the smiles that weren't coming any more or the fact that his eyes never glistened with love anymore. Namjoon and Jin where hugging each other trying to calm each other down. Jungkook was crouched down near Yoongi's bed and sobbing silently in his hands.

This was braking all of Bangtans hearts seeing one of their strongest members in such a vulnerable position and it was only worse knowing that it was all their fault. At this point they were almost desperate to make it up to the rapper that laid lifeless in the death bed. They were pure assholes to him the past few weeks, or was it months? None of them could remember but they now knew it was wrong for them to forget about him after something so small and stupid that could've been solved by a simple sorry. Jimin was feeling the worst since he was the one who yelled at Yoongi, the one who made him feel so worthless and not valuable.


When was Yoongi going to wake up? They wanted to apologise for ignoring him, wanted to take him out anywhere Yoongi wanted to make it up to him. The members knew it would take more than that to gain the rappers trust again but they where definitely more than willing to do everything they can to make Yoongi feel valued and loved again. They want to make the rapper laugh and smile and feel free again. They wanted to go to all lengths possible to make Yoongi better, or at leads make him feel happy again without feeling the need to force it upon himself.

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