Falling once again

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Continuation from previous chapter, a little naughty. Enjoy. Suga's POV

Why am I never okay? I'm always being such a fucking burden for the other members of the group, how are they even still putting up with me? I'm a useless piece of shit that needs to be killed from this earth: but I'm a wimp and won't do anything about it. I'm just so fucking done with this shit, I need someone to save me but I just can't call out for help. Yeah I tell everyone one I'm okay but that's just sweet white lies, I'm so sick why can't I just do everything myself. Can't I just help myself? Oh yeah I'm a useless piece of shit. Why is everything suddenly coming back from when I was 18, it's all happening again but I don't want to go to the doctors cause what the fuck can they do?

No one knows me. No no one does because if I don't know myself who can? I don't know anything, why am I even still breathing when someone poor could take up my place and they could finally live in peace and harmony with the best friends anyone could ask for. I'm just a fucking waste of space but once again I'm just a wimp. People pretend they know what depression is but if they've never faced what do they know? No, why would they even want to know what it's like anyways, I feel like I'm suffocating under water and can't get up for air. I can't even hear what anyone's saying to me except from Min Yoongi.  I thought I killed him, but he's back for ever so sweet revenge.


What's the point of of me even screaming in the bathroom? Everyone's out so they won't hear me, won't be able to come save me from this ever lasting pain. Heh my hairs probably all gone now from the amount of times I've pulled on it but then again it might not of because of how weak I am. Psycho, freak, maniac, weirdo, nerd, useless just fucking stop! I know I am don't need to repeat it to me I know, I know, I know.


Crazy, untalented, brat.

"I....I know. Hahahahahahahahahaha I know all to well" I must be fucking crazy, laughing at such things heh.

"MIN YOOOOOOONGIIIIIIIII WERE BACK!" Jin shouted. Shit better clean up my ugly ass face.

Author POV

Yoongi put on some concealer to cover up his tear marks, no blood for once, and unlocked the bathroom door revealing a very jumpy Jungkook.

"Hurry up Hyung I need to fucking do a number 1."

"Fineeeeeeeee, didn't need to know though."


Jungkook quickly rushed into the bathroom and shut the door right in Yoongis face hitting his nose accidently.

"Ah shit that fucking hurts." He said holding his nose that was now bleeding.

"Hyu- oh shit are you okay Yoongs?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah just get me some tissues are something."

"Sure Hyung wait there!" Taehyung then made a sprint for the kitchen coming back with a packet of tissues.

"Thanks Tae." Yoongi said, putting the tissues up to his node and just wiping it.

"Ah Hyung that's not how you do it, your getting blood on your face! Here let me do it." Taehyung grabbed the tissues and carefully wiping his nose making sure not to get anymore blood any were.

Yoongi took this time to admire Taehyung not like it was weird or anything just he was bored. He, firstly, looked at the way his tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth and his lips were curved upwards one way, smirking. His hair was messy strands were any were and everywhere and his clothes were baggy and a bit big for him.

"And...done!" Taehyung then showed off his famous boxy grin, gearing proud of himself.

"Papa?" Jungkook then showed up behind Taehyung holding his stuffed elephant tightly against his chest.

"Yes baby?" He replied.

"Can we play now? You promised me!" Jungkook's pronunciation was way better than Yoongi's when little.

"Of course darhl just give me a second okay?"

"Mhm." Jungkook then left and went to the front room were all they toys were.

"Well gotta blast now. Bye Hyung. "

"Thanks. Mm Cya." Yoongi replied feeling a bit left out.

Now Yoongi wasn't the type to get jealous but when he did it put him in a really shit mood and he gets all grumpy and that, Yoongi without a doubt loves any type of praises or attention but when he never received any of that he became cold. Inside and out, it was weird because even his skin would turn cold but then again they say people with cold hands have warm hearts. Not in this scenario though. To try and get stuff out of his mind, Yoongi went to go get a shower grabbing a towel on the way in. What he forget though was that Namjoon was on the toilet and when he walked in it was an understatement to say that he was (Jung) shook.

"Sorry!" Yoongi squealed almost girl like and ran out of the bathroom. He saw what he didn't want to see and my was he once again (Jung) shook. His thing was large, not like he needed to know but damn.

He felt like a school girl fangirling over some hot student who just walked by, wasn't complete.y wrong though cause Namjoon is hot probably one of the best looking in BTS, Jins world wide handsome so he's first, and Yoongi knew he was most likely the worst looking. He had so many flaws that it was unbelievable he'd like to tell himself that he is handsome but why lie when the truth is way to obvious. He can't even tell him self he looks good when he's got makeup on because nothing can cover up his ugliness.

Someone save me!

Before I fall. He suddenly fell to the floor with a loud, bang.



Enjoy it? I hope so! Anyways just wanted to say no I have never been through depression so I have no idea what it's like. And next thing is that the questions you have asked either me or BTS I will answere them in the next chapter so look forward to that! Happy new year too!

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