Dealing with big Yoongi

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Today had been a very eventful and stressful day for the 7 member group BTS. Every corner they turned there would be something else they were reminded they had to do, they had a fan meeting, a concert and to finish the day off a dance practise. Yeah may same not that much of a big deal but for the 7 members it was like a living hell, sure they love social interactions with their fans but they desperately needed a day off and a day off is what they got. They expected all the littles to be in little space but what they got was the exact opposite, well not t really except from Yoongi.

Normally Yoongi was the one to fall into head space quite quickly but no, not today (hehehe) oh how desperately he desired to just feel small to feel secure in the watch of his caretakers but sometimes things just don't want to swing your way. When these days happen Yoongi is just 10x grumpier than the normal uneventful, lazy Yoongi. He tends to want to deal with these sorts of problems himself but his almost like brothers always have found a way to get around the wall he built so high and brake it down. God how lucky he was to have so many people like them to watch over him and take care of him in his times of needs. He loved them.

But today was just 20x worse than the usual. To put it simple he felt like death, he had a stuffy nose, and awful cough and worst of all a banging headache. People would be able to deal with that but Yoongi? No way in hell chance, Yoongi couldn't deal with being sick he hated it, hated it and when he wants to be a little too everything just explodes physically and mentally. Sounds like he over exaggerates alot but trust me he isn't doing it it's just the way he is and he just hates being sick. He can deal with a stomach ache or a stuffy nose for a day but when it drags on all he wants to do is sleep.

"Yoongi yah want some soup? It will help with you're flu?" The oldest asked.

"I'll be fine Hyung just, just worry about some in' else." Yoongi said, barely audible.

"Yoongi you need to at least have some paracetamol or something to drink,  even eat!" Jin said.

"I don't feel like it." Them simple words, always covering himself up.

"Yoongi I will come over there and stuff a pancake in your mouth or force down some water. I will personally feed you myself if you don't drag you're helpless little ass over here and get something!"

When Jin threatened he meant it in every way possible so he got his 'little ass' up off the couch and dragged himself over to the kitchen, blanket falling onto the floor. When he finally arrived to his destination he looked in the kitchen and first of all got a glass of water then grabbed a packet of crisps (I say crisps cause' I'm english but for ya Americans out there it's chips.) and dragged himself back over to the couch, picking his blanket back up in the process. As you can tell this smol bean wasn't feeling it today, he just wasn't in a good mood today not like anything has changed dramatically.

"Jinnnnnnnnn." Yoongi whined.

"What is is Yoongi yah?" Jin asked.

"Can you grab me some tablets I feel like I need them now. Like everything's just like gwah."

"It'd be better if you actually spoken some standard Korean but oh well. Two tablets coming up!"

Whilst Jin was getting the tablets the youngest walked in and of course he had to be in little space, just great. Yoongi really was just not having the best of days was he? Jungkook was wrapped in a Mario blanket and was sucking on a Mario pacifier and he waddled the whole way to Yoongi once in a while stumbling over his two feet.

"Don' worry Yoonie! Kookie is uming' to save youuuuuu.!" Jungkook screamed making Yoongi's headache worse.

"Kookie Yoongi doesn't want to play today so if you go back to play with hoseokie or Taetae I'll play Mario carts with you tomorrow. Is that a deal?"

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