Wasp Sting

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Sorry guys but I'm going on holiday on Saturday so won't be updating for two weeks hope you enjoy either way though, Saranghae ❤❤

"Eommaaaaa, Yoonie wanna play outside today with Kookie!" Yoongi gave Jin puppy eyes and squeezed his leg.

"Okay baby, just outside or to the park?" Jin said picking up the excited little.

"Gawden!" Yoongi yelled.

"Alrighty, where's Kookie then kitten then you two can go outside?" Jin asked looking around the room.

"Kookie in woom!" Yoongi squealed with a gummy smile on his face.

"Room? Okay let's go get him." Jin said walking towards Namjoon's room were Jungkook currently was.

Jin opened the door to show Namjoon and Jungkook playing Mario carts and you didn't need to look twice to see that the youngest was winning by a mile. What can you say though? Big or little Jungkook can easily beat anyone on any game out there, that's one reason why he's called the golden maknae but then again Jungkook's just good at everything. Namjoon was furiously smashing any button on the controller trying to gain the victory but to no avail as Jungkook raced to the finish line and as expected won. Jungkook jumped up and started laughing and dancing whilst Namjoon sighed in defeat.

"Daddy dumb!" Jungkook yelled laughing at Namjoon's defeated look.

"Daddy is dumb pup,come here and give me a hug or I'll cry." Namjoon faked a tear and Jungkook literally sprinted into the olders arms and hugged him so tight it looked like Namjoon was going to suffocate.

"Okay, okay that's enough!" Namjoon said taking Jungkook's arms off his neck, struggling a bit at the tight grip.

"Kookie! Yoonie wanna pway with you!" Yoongi squealed jumping out of Jins arms, slightly slipping in the process making both of the caregivers hearts drop.

"Kookie play with Yoonie!" Jungkook said running over to were Yoongi was standing.

"Alright then, let's get you two sorted then." Namjoon said picking up Jungkook whilst Jin picked up Yoongi.

Both littles kept kicking their feet in excitement, it's not everyday that they get to have so much time off so they decided to take it to just relax and to relax means to look after two littles. Jin picked up Yoongi's white Nike trainers whilst Namjoon picked up Jungkook's black converse (Converse high~) and the sat them down to get the shoes on. Yoongi was a bit difficult, sometimes kicking his feet whining at how slow Jin was being whilst Namjoon appeared to have no trouble at all with slipping the comfortable  (not) converse on. Once Yoongi's laces were tied both littles jumped up off the seats and ran to the door only to be stopped because it was locked.

"Eomma, Daddyyyyyyy~" Yoongi whined as he pulled on the door trying to open it.

"Don't do that kitten or your going to brake the door then that means no play time." Namjoon scolded as he clicked the door open and the littles ran out of the back garden.

Yoongi and Jungkook played tag as they ran across the small garden that they had, fortunate enough for the two caregivers ,who were stood outside, it seamed that no one was going to hurt themselves today and so far none of them had slipped over it felt like they could finally breathe. As soon as they thought that though there hearts instantly felt like it was in their mouth as they saw Jungkook slip over and fall into the grass but sighed not even a second later as the little got up and laughed it off. All was going well, it was 5:03 pm and Jin decided it was time to go inside and make some food.

"Watch them for me Namjoon ah, I'm going to make some food. Anything in particular you want?" Jin asked standing up and stretching after being sat down for quite a while.

"Not really, just make something simple today like pizza." Namjoon suggested as he looked up at the world wide handsome in front of him.

"Okay, that it?" Jin asked again to make sure.

"Yep, not that hungry actually." Namjoon said winking at Jin making Jin laugh.

"Alright, don't take your eyes off the littles and if one of them gets hurt I'm killing you, got it?" Jin threatened whipping out a random spatula that somehow appeared.

"Okay, okay I won't!" Namjoon said smiling ridiculously and putting his arms up as an act of surrender.

Jin walked off into the house again looking back once or twice to make sure Namjoon was doing as told and once he finally made it to the door he looked right into Namjoon's soul and went into the kitchen, looking out the window now and then to always check on the littles AND Namjoon. God knows what Namjoon is capable of without him even know himself of what he's doing. 1 hour later and Jin was finished with the food and as soon as he opened his mouth to shout for the members a loud scream erupted from the garden. Jin instantly put all the plates down and ran to were Namjoon and the littles were.

"What happened?" Jin asked as he and the other members went outside.

"Yoongi got stung by a wasp, I think" Namjoon admitted as he held onto the screaming little.

"Awe my baby got stung by a nasty wasp huh? Want eomma to kill it?" Jin said looking around for any sign of the wasp.

"N-no eomma no k-kill." Yoongi whispered looking up from Namjoon's chest.

"Okay, let's get you cleaned up. Jimin take Jungkook to the bath and wash him please." Jin said taking Yoongi out of Namjoon's arms.

"Okay Hyung. "Jimin said picking up Jungkook then walked to the bathroom.

"Our kitten let's look at that nasty sting and clean it up okay?" Jin said looking at the putting baby.

Jin placed the little on the couch and then went over to the kitchen to grab some vinegar  (Yes vinegar this is how my nana helped with my wasp Sting 😂) once he got it he went back to Yoongi and placed some on a cotton bud. Jin slowly wiped the cotton bud across Yoongi's wrist were the stinging was and Yoongi only whimpered, letting out occasional tears now and then which V and Hoseok would kiss away. Jin was then done and hugged his baby close to him whipping about how brave and strong he was and how he could have lots of hugs and kisses to make him feel better. They snuggled up on the couch and eventually fell asleep.

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