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Because i'm tired of waiting I'll just make this chapter and wait till you voted in the previous page, cause 2 votes...really? I'm not complaining believe me i'm grateful that you're reading this right now.
But without further interruption.
Let the story...Begin!!

Cold...Dark...Quiet. These where the only thing to describe the black pit in which is said to hold something of myth, a creature of legend, a bearer of nightmares.


Suddenly a sound cut through the Quiet...a scream?...thundering footsteps?...a shout of warning?...All three at once?

You struggled to look...but you couldn't see through the black.
You tried to move...but your body was heavy.
But when you strained to could hear everything.

Finally a rush of light entered your vision as the darkness lifted, only then did you realize the dark was your eyelids. The light was from two small creatures one with a lantern, both in strange garments of brown leather and green cloth on their backs, a metal box strapped to their waists, both looking frightened.

And that's when you saw it, a behemoth of one of these smaller creatures...or was it? It was charging straight at the pair, it's run highly disturbing, as one of the smaller ones pathetically raising it's sword that looked as if it had snapped.

That's when you remembered something, Humans. These small creatures where humans, but what of the other one? It was 'naked', yet it held no identifiable gender, it screamed at the two Humans. A sound you didn't like.

Suddenly it stopped and looked past the Humans, it's distorted smile turning into an open frown. That's when you realized it was staring directly at you, and when you returned it's gaze, it screamed again, but not in hunger or anger...fear.
This thing was scared of you. 

It didn't take long for it to stumble back with another scream, falling on it's back as it turned, quickly getting up and running away. The pair of Humans looked to each other confused, before they turned to look at what scared the creature off, only to freeze when they saw your Purple eyes staring back.

Screaming in fear themselves the pair ran out of your view, but their lantern like a beacon showed where they where headed. You felt something, like you had to follow them somewhere. So lifting yourself up you slowly crawled through the narrow tunnel after them, your movements constricted. But it was strange, you felt like you knew this place when it wasn't so small, or did you just get bigger?

After a few minutes of following the Human pair there was a light ahead, small, barely a flicker, until you got closer and it grew bigger and brighter. The Humans light had blended with it as you got near, only when you crashed against the opening you realized, it was too small. For some reason this angered you, prompting you to start bashing against the rock and dirt, faint cracks appearing, growing bigger and bigger until the wall of rock blew open and out on your last attempt.

The light was blinding, causing you to close your eyes as you slowly got used to it. And when you did, a layout of the surrounding world was put before you. A forest, it's tree's ungodly in height and width. The Plains, wide and open, yet devoid of any life. And finally, in the distance, a massive wall stood.

But out of seemingly no where, sobbing was heard beneath your towering form, looking to it's source you saw the pair of humans from before, well...a human. There was no sign of the other until you saw a bloodied boulder in front of the Human. You squished one, yet all that came from you was satisfaction, and it felt good. The other human looked at you with fear, now taking in your form.

Midnight black scales layered your body, a row of spines running from your head too your tail that ended in a dangerous barb. Two horns protruding from your skull as your rows upon rows of teeth glinted in the sunlight. Your eyes, their purple glow still visible the same glow was present in your mouth, but much lighter.

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The Human ran down the hill, screaming when they got their senses back. Fear, you enjoyed it to no end, it felt right they feared you, your size, your appearance and soon...your ferocity.

When they where nothing more then a dot on the Plains you reared your head back, a rumbling building in your throat a you parted your jaws...

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