Chapter 25 - Her Touch

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The Humans won, you saw the flare from a bell tower you had found in a bunch of ruins, Carla still asleep as you held her close to your chest.

She was having a nice dream, her smile small enough to be almost invisible but twitching enough that it was noticeable, her hands wrapped tightly around your waist as she snuggled into the softer parts of your underbelly.

You didn't like the human form in the slightest, and Carla always liked your true form the most, says it's something she's more familiar with instead of a persona. Though you both liked with when you were nestled in her lap, her fingers running through your hair as she hummed softly, a song that you don't know but still have stuck in your head.

Your slitted purple eyes finally snapped onto movement by the walls gate, seeing many humans and their horses walking through. You saw the Garrison, vastly lowered since the last time you bothered to count them, Commander Pyxis, Rico, no sign of Ian and Matabi which meant they perished, a shame, those two had a lot of energy.

Then it came to the trio you were unconsciously looking for, Mikasa and Armin, heads low and eyes forward as they stared at the back of a carriage which held Eren, heavily cuffed and gagged and flanked by more soldiers with a Unicorn on their jackets.

(Y/N): "Unicorns, weird things, so insistent about their silly magic tricks...least they tasted good, blood was a little strange..."

You ended up talking to yourself for a while, not realising you'd already woken the woman on your underside as your elongated neck twisted and your head looked down upon hearing a soft giggle from her.

She simply smiled, and you couldn't help but slightly bark in your own throaty laughter as you looked back down to the moving convoy.

(Y/N): "...We should go, Erwin will want to talk and I'm sure Levi is going to kick your kids teeth in."

You hummed, trying and failing to hide your amusement as Carla frowned and nervously tapped your scales on your neck to get your attention.

Carla: "They...They won't kill him will they? He's still my son after all and Mikasa is still my daughter...Please (Y/N), can you make sure they are safe?"

Coming from anyone else and you would laugh in their face before throwing them aside. But coming from Carla, your defence crumbled instantaneously, sighing as your scaled head leaned down and ever so softly nudged the widowed woman with a purr slipping from your chest.

(Y/N): "Fine, I'll drag them out if that's what it takes to make you happy."

You didn't even react at the promise you made, but those words meant the world to Carla, the woman smiling wide and relaxing her body as she leaned up just enough and softly kissed you just under the chin of your scaled head.

You froze, you had to. You've always longed for her touch, the way her hands caress you and slide over your scales, even your skin and your hair, it didn't matter as long as you felt it. And now you have another feeling to long for, her lips. They were soft, light like the wind but it lingered enough to make you aware it was definitely there. She put her love and passion behind it, tingling the rough skin under those smooth scales of yours as your chest was now vibrating with the purring you were emitting.

You closed your eyes and for a moment you saw, saw a future with you and this goddess of a woman. And it ended all to soon as your eyes fluttered open, looking down finally to see her blushing a bright red, pushing her face into your soft underbelly at her action and it was all too cute for you. To see this human you've held so close to your heart now so shy after a single and quick show of affection was adorable, though understandable as you lifted your talons up and wrapped around her back to slightly rub up and down, trying your best to mimic what you saw some humans do I comfort their friends.

Carla hummed softly, pressing back up into your claws as you smiled down at her, as best as a dragon can smile anyway. She's gotten so used to it that it wouldn't have bothered her anyhow, if she had looked up that is but she was still burying her face into you.

This human, this woman is able to stir up so many emotions with ease and even then they are all positive for her. And only for her. She was able to bring out the best in you and keep it that way, for a while at least, where you would be without her? Impossible to say, probably still in that clearing, eating Titans at your leisure and sleeping through the days.

At this point you didn't even realise you had changed to that silly vaguely humanoid form you had made, but it wasn't stopping you as you lifted her chin up and had her look into your eyes. Her face was still blushing, now more then ever as she smiled weakly as you felt your own face catch on fire.

Your faces were so close, breath mingling and eyes trained on each other, not a contest but a longing as you felt something brush against your thin human lips, before pressing tight against you as the mass in your arms pressed closer then ever before.

You wanted her, her attention, her care, her support, her hope...her love...You wanted it.

You finally parted, red cheeks on both your faces as you both panted for air and kept close eye contact. Her hands were wrapped around your neck, keeping her pressed close to you as your own rough skin was pressing closer to her. And in your intimate staring contest, you saw a flicker, need, a must...and she saw the same flicker in your own.

Neither of you wanted each other's love and lust...

You needed it...

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