Chapter 4 - The Priest's Word

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-Erwin POV-

I was staring in shock at Hanji before me as she retold the story of what happened to her and Levi, the small man not having spoken a word during the time he returned.

"Your telling me...that this creature slaughtered an entire field of Titans, their corpses tore apart and eaten while it also devoured the one you were chasing?" I asked the woman in front of me, startled and concerned as I stood up and walked to the window.

"Yes! That's exactly it! Tell him Levi!" Hanji desperately screeched, looking at said man as he sighed. But he was cut off by a new voice in the room, all three occupants turning to face a large man in long robes and donning a strange necklace.

"He believes you girl, he knows of our Winged Protector." The old man smiled, his crooked teeth clearly showing as he slowly stood up and walked to the group. "If it wasn't for the picture he provided we would've been at a loss for our faith." He continued as he took out the drawing and showed it to the other two, Levi knowing what it was as Hanji freaked out.

"That's it! That's the thing we saw!" She insisted, she accusingly pointed at the paper. "That's what was killing my babies!"

"This 'thing' you call is a Mighty Dragon, our Winged Protector. Not much is known about him, but our order might have the answers you seek." The old Priest's smiled as he produced a worn runic and metal engraved book from his robe, handing it to me.

"A book?" I asked the Priest, Hanji immediately calming down as she too stared at it curiously while Levi glared at the man.

"Not just a book, it hold's the few of many secrets our Protector holds. It was recorded by my ancestors, the first worshippers of the Mighty Dragon. I only saw our Winged Protector in books and imagined him in the legends told by my people." The Priest reminisced with a sigh, a smile plastered on his face as he looked down at me.

"Don't make the mistake that he'll do anything for his servants though, it's a risk giving you this book of secrets but as long as you don't use it for anything of personal gain he shouldn't be enraged." The Priest warned, his smile and joy gone as he glared at me, Hanji and the especially Levi before walking out of the room without another word.

We were all silent for a while as I looked down at the worn runic book in my hands, sighing silently as I slowly took off the binding and opening to the first page.

"The Mysterium Xarxes...Written by our Winged Protector, the Dragon... (Y/N)?"

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