Chapter 10 - A Mad Woman's Logic

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+Erwin's PoV+

I sigh in annoyance as I push away the last pile of signed documents. It wasn't much of a secret anymore, they saw the Dragon, they started talking about it, and it's taking every thing I can to keep it's existence to a minimum.

Levi and Hanji have been getting nervous for some reason, which is entirely out of character for Levi in particular. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same whenever I looked at that strange book the Priest gave me.

It didn't help that the text was unreadable, only a vortex of crazy words and symbols I could only guess what meant. It was too confusing.

A sudden knock at my door made me look up in alarm, shaking my thoughts clear before calling out for whoever it was to enter. Not a second later, Hanji burst through with frantic talking and alarming speed.

I was confused before Levi too walked in, and he looked terrible, almost like he hadn't slept in days. I was torn from him though as Hanji slammed a thick book onto the table before leaning down to my face.

+Hanji PoV+

"Erwin! We found it!" I screamed in excitement as Levi took a seat behind me with a groan. "The Dragon's Language! We can't decipher it because we aren't it! We aren't them! Only they can read it! Not Humans, not those Priest's! The Dragon!"

Erwin was confused, lost to my rambling as I opened the book and pointed to the open page. "Look! Look! See?!" I said as he looked at the words and the picture accompanying it.

The page in particular held a sketched picture of a familiar Dragon as what seemed to be the Mysterium Xarxes on a pedestal beside it. The writing was old but readable as it explained a 'Legend' about a dark creature who wrote the book for it's followers, a key to a forgotten paradise were their souls were rewarded for their many years of service. A safe haven.

+Erwin PoV+

I couldn't believe what I was reading, a key to eternal paradise? A reward for service? A safe haven? This just got a whole lot more complicated...

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