Chapter 19 - The Fault

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Months had passed since that fight with Annie, things were tense between the two of you but she had shown some respect born from the cautiousness and experience of your lethality.

Reiner and Berthold also where weary of you, scared as the rats they are.

Currently it was time for the cadets to practice their ODMG, a tool you found little use for as your wings provided all the maneuverability you could possibly need.

One by one the Cadets had succeeded, some like Mikasa had near perfection on the equipment while others like Armin had to balance themselves out.

Finally it came down to Eren, the fire of determination in his eyes was respectable. But it was distinguished fairly quick as he fell back almost immediately and slammed his head into the ground, causing him to yell in pain as a few Cadets laughed at him after he tried again and again, each and every one a failure.

You sighed and shook your head in disappointment, each failure was just embarrassing for the boy as he only made himself look like more of a fool.

Eventually though you saw something rather peculiar, more specifically his harness as the belt seemed rather...broken. This didn't deter him in the slightest, as he got back up again and again even as you walked through the large amount of people.

Eventually he managed to stay upright for more then a few seconds, surprising his fellow cadets and even you as you slightly faltered in your steps. The seconds turned into one full minute but it didn't last long after that before he fell back again, making the snickers return before they where officially silenced when you arrived at the front of the group.

Eren looked up at you nervously, thinking he'd get a punishment of some sort. So he was immensely surprised when you gave him a slow clap.

"Well done boy, you just did all that in a broken harness." You chuckled, smirk evident in your voice as surprised gasps and murmurs arose from the crowd and Eren himself.

Before they could ask, you turned and immediately focused on Marco who tried to make himself smaller. "Freckles! Give Yeager your harness." You instructed him, no complaints from the boy as he quickly undid his harness and swapped it with Eren's.

On the next try, Eren stayed suspended for the entire time as the other Cadets looked in surprise and awe.

"I'd like to see you all stay balanced in a broken harness." You chortled, turning and leaving the area with your wings fluttering outwards and tail swaying as the cadets moved out if your way.

-Timeskip with Marco running away from Sasha with a red face-

Years had passed and they had finally graduated from the trainee corps, leaving them to celebrate and dearly regret it in the morning.

((Cause I'm sure we all want to get into the action))

You still wore your armor as you where finding it extremely comfortable and that a MP was trying to steal your helmet while you where in the city, only for him to break his back and legs after he dropped it after failing to lift it more then a few centimeters.

Currently you where walking through the cabins, making sure that the new soldiers weren't up to no good if they got wise. All the while ignoring the obvious signs you where being followed.

After a few more turns you ducked into a nearby darkened alcove, taking off your armor with surprising speed before getting your shadows to fill it as the now 'empty' suit stood still while you hid in the shadows.

Your pursuer showed up at the end of the alcove, looking around before they 'snuck' up on your suit while producing a dagger from their waist. You couldn't help but roll your eye's at this pathetic try at your death. A dagger while your not looking is so cliche.

They got within striking distance before you suddenly cleared your throat, surprising them before your knee connected with their stomach before they where pushed into the ground with your foot on their head.

"This seems all too familiar, don't you think...Annie?" You asked, quite bored as you kicked the hood off and replanted your foot on the females blonde hair. She remained quite but glared up at you in confusion and malice.

"Yeah, yeah, big shocker that I left the armor to confront you right? Wrong. Don't think this makes you special, cause your not." You hissed, glaring down at her as your eyes turned into slits.

"But you are unique...for a Titan." You smirked, pressing your foot into her face even more as her eye's widened and shot a nervous glance at your face before turning away again. "Same with your friends, Reiner and Berthold, filthy Titans."

((Warning! Annie abuse ahead, skip if you want but it'll still be here))

With that said you took your foot off her head and instead delivered a swift kick to her stomach, knocking the wind out of her as you kicked her again which made her cover her stomach from further attacks. This didn't deter you in the slightest as you slammed your foot on her leg, making her open her mouth to scream at the force of the impact before your hand roughly covered her mouth.

"Ah ah ah, non of that." You snarled, rearing your fist back and connecting it with her head. You continued battering your fist into her face over and over, blood sweeping out of her busted lip and nose along with a few cuts thanks to your scales and claws before delivering one last hit to her eye as she gave a muffled groan in pain.

"Does that hurt? I'm surprised a heartless killer can feel that." You mocked, standing up and kicking her in the face as she groaned again.

You grabbed Annie by her hair and lifted her up to your face, her batted and bloodied face bring a smile to your face. "Not so nice to be on the other end of the stick, is it bitch?"

She could only grunt in response before you dropped her and reentered your suit, sparing a final glance at her and laughing at her state.
"Expect this more often if you step out of line, because there's only one monster at the top of the food"

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