Chapter 17 - Tall Tales

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((For now on it'll be mostly the English dub, since I find it sometimes suits the characters more then the normal version.))


+No ones PoV+

It was about an hour since the other cadets had uncovered that Eren was from Shiganshina, bombarding the young boy with questions about the invasion and the Colossal Titan.

"Yeah ok, I saw the big guy." Eren said rather boredly as a collective gasp rose up from around the table, seemingly astonished at this news while the boy ate his soup from the can.  "Seriously?" Thomas muttered, shocked while another bent over the table to Eren. "Ok how tall was he?!"

"He stuck his head over the outer wall." Eren again replied in his bored tone, taking another spoon of soup as another collective gasp arose. "Whoa wait, I heard he stepped over the wall completely!" A cadet, Daz, insisted while swallowing a lump in his throat.

"So did I!" Another cadet agreed, closely followed by another who said that's what his village heard too. Eren waved off their rumors with the same tone he's held since the start of the questions. "Nah, he was big but not that big."

"So what did it look like?" Mina asked with a hint of nervousness while staring expectantly at the boy who turned his gaze to her. "It had a mouth like a corpse, and no skin just muscles." He responded before taking another spoon of soup.

"What about the Armored Titan? The one that broke through Wall Maria?" Another asked, eager and anxious for answers as the boy looked to the opposite side of the table. "Is that what their calling it? In all the panic it was just another Titan to me." Eren answered, shrugging slightly as he rose the spoon to his mouth.

"No way, so what where they like?" A cadet asked, causing Eren to freeze as the images of the bloodthirsty Titans flooded his vision. But they paled in comparison to one creature that robbed him of his mother. "Nothing as IT." The boy seethed holding his mouth as the figure of the winged creature who took his mother and crushed the titan into chunks that people who saw it started calling it a monster off old, a Dragon. 

In his silent anger and horror he dropped his spoon, the object falling into his soup with a splash as everything went quiet. 

Before one boy, Marco Bott, ((*cough*
Freckled Jesus*cough*)) could calm everyone down and defuse the situation the door opened as the strange man wearing the armor walked in with slight scratches on the steel he wore.

They all moved out of the way as he stood in front of Eren, who's eyes is where now locked onto his with a passionate hate. "Not as bad as...what boy?" He asked, frowning behind the helmet as the kids hate ignited.

The other cadets looked unsure of what to do as two people came up from behind Eren. One was the blonde boy, Armin Arlet, and the other was a pokerfaced girl wearing a red scarf.

+(Y/n) PoV+

The more you looked at the girl the more she seemed familiar, but you didn't know where from. However unknown to you she was glaring intensely at you, seemingly recognizing you but unable to quite place it.

Before this long staring match could continue Eren growled before slightly standing to get in your face. Bad idea. "You want to know? It was that thing...the Dragon." He revealed, another gasp of surprise and fear coming from the surrounding group if cadets.

"...So you saw it?" You pressed, playing coy as you relaxed on the bench which groaned under the weight of you and your armor. The boy hesitated before slightly nodding, the fire in his eye's slowly burning out. "It took my mother...but not before looking right at me, as if it was singing me out."

'That's because your different, I didn't realize it before but...your smell is no longer human, your one of them.' You snarled in your mind, keeping your head straight and ignoring the now obvious glaring from the girl beside him.

"Did it now, can't change the past kid, but you can change the future. And right now, if you keep heading on this path of hate, your future is going to be pretty bleak." He warned him, a shrug of your shoulders as you quickly returned the glare of the girl before starting to stand up. If not for the girl, Mina, to ask you something.

"Excuse me sir! But how do you know the dragon, and...your wings and tail." She slowly asked, obviously scared as a few of the cadets agreed with her on the question before you sighed. 'Of course they'd ask that, not everyday you see a human with wings and a tail.' You bitterly thought, but before you could answer a unique smell assaulted your nose, the same as the boys only...more refined.

After a minute of searching you finally found your quarry, three cadets at the table in the corner, muttering to each other. A girl, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that showed hate and malice at everything. Annie Leonhart. Two boys, a large specimen with blonde hair and a square face, Reiner Braun. Another who was tall and thin, brown hair and shifting and glancing around, Bertholt Hoover.

'Them too? Well well well...' You thought with a mental smirk, catching the attention of Annie who narrowed her eyes before returning her small group.

As to not attract to much attention you decided to do the only thing that made sense. "Isn't it obvious? I'm a Dragon too." You stated, the entire room going quiet as every inhabitant in there laid their eyes on you. Eren, Armin and the girl, who you finally remembered is named Mikasa, stared in surprise and shock before Daz slowly and quietly spoke.

"S-so, your another D-D-Dragon?" He asked, scared for his life as you slipped off the helmet to their surprise, showing off you scaled face, reflective (h/c)  hair and a razor filled smile. "That I am boy, that I am." You chuckled, forked tongue flicking out as you did while the entire room was dead silent at this revelation of 'two' dragon, and one was living among them.

Little do they know.

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