Chapter 5 - Training with Shadows

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+(y/n) PoV+

Those humans interested you, especially the small one. He seemed dead and emotionless, uncaring about what the world pushes at him as he simply pushes back twice as harder. But he fights for something, you just simply couldn't figure it out.

While these thought's swirled around in your head you were resting in the bloodied, steaming field of fresh kills, tearing apart a fat Titan as it's flesh seemed to melt in your mouth. The taste had slowly been getting better, now you were constantly feasting on the Titans and desiring to see their blood spill on the ground or your scales, you weren't picky.

The strange thing about this kill however was not the numerous claw marks or the chunks of flesh torn from it, it was the entire missing space were it's upper body should be.

A normal hunt quickly turned into something more as you had cornered the Titan. It was unable to move as you took a step forward, only to stop in shock as the shadows themselves twisted and morphed to form a sick version of a mouth as it snapped the Titan in two with a single bite. 

With a sigh you looked at a shadowed area, concentrating on making something out of nothing. After an hour long session you gave up, throwing the rest of the Titan body away as you slammed your clawed fist into the ground.

The strange thing however was how the shadow followed you movement, morphing into a identical shadowed fist as it copied your actions and slammed it's own fist into the ground.

This peaked your interest as another memory floated in from before, showing a majestic show of finesse and beauty as the dark itself bent to your will and eviscerated your enemies with you joyously laughing while they did so.

When you came back to reality you immediately realized the shadows bending and stretching towards you, each piece of darkness eager to serve it's master. Unfortunately they only held for a few seconds before falling back into their natural positions.

After some contemplating you heard the sound of horses galloping and humans talking, a sadistic grin covering your face as you rose up and spread your wings as you took off into the air in pursuit of the humans. The shadows attempting to follow as they built in size and slowly became more drawn out.

Now would be a good time to polish up some rusty skills, and if you can fill them with pain and suffering at the same time...all the better.

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