Chapter 1 - Our Winged Protector

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-Survivor's PoV-

He stood in front of me, silently judging if i'm being serious or trying to pull a joke. Another much smaller male looking at me indifferently, as if I just came from a different world.

"You and your partner where being chased by a Titan and where cornered...before something wiped that smile off it's face and it screamed before running away...only for you to find what you can only describe as a 'Giant Lizard with Wings for arms' chased you both before you escaped and exited the cave...until it bashed open the cave entrance, ultimately freeing itself and crushing your partner under a rock? ran for your life after getting a good look at the 'Lizard' and it made no attempt to follow...when you mounted the horses and rode away you reportedly heard it that correct?" He asked, obviously doubting me.

"Yes! That 'thing' killed my friend, it scared a bloody Titan! It smiled when it saw my friend under that rock! It f**king smiled!" I screamed at them, they don't believe me.

"Your in distress, it was probably so dark in their you mistook a Titan for-"

"I know what I saw, it was no s**t faced Titan I can tell you that! Your doubting me when you haven't even investigated this! Whatever that thing was, it's not of the good kind." I wasn't in the mood for this, my friend was crushed by this 'Giant Lizard' and they'd rather ridicule me then look into it.

I stood up in anger and stormed off, ignoring them as they only stared at me leaving.

-Commander Erwin's PoV-

I watched as they stormed out of the room, looking over their report before sighing.

"What do you think Levi?" I asked the expressionless man, turning to see the same face he always wears. "I've gotten all kinds of reports, but this takes the top spot."

Levi stay's quiet for a while before he scoffed, "Twerp just made up a story, there's no such thing as 'Giant Lizards'."

"Let's hope that Levi, because this picture is very graphic... And I'm not too sure I want to meet this thing face to face." I mused, looking at what the supposed 'Lizard' looked like.

Then I remembered something the preachers down at the Chapel have been saying these past few day's. 


Having come back from another failed expedition, the Survey Corps parades down the street, I was waiting by the Chapel as the priests started preaching about our failure.

Suddenly one of them started preaching about "Our Winged Protector will return from his slumber".  Except this priest wore robes of Black and Purple, a strange symbol of a Serpent with outstretched Wings, hanging from his neck.

When I tried reaching the Mystery Priest, intent on asking what he was ranting on about. The crowd suddenly moved in front of me, following and ridiculing the Survey Corps. I managed to push through them, only to find the man had simply vanished, after some investigating I just decided to find him tomorrow.

I went back the next day and was right to see the Mystery Priest again, except there was now three of them? I tried reaching them but a crowd like yesterday suddenly stopped me from accomplishing this, and exactly like yesterday, they vanished.

I've been trying to get the Unknown Priests, with no luck, yet each day they grow in number and chant the same thing.

"Our Winged Protector Will Return From His Slumber."

+Flashback End+

I slightly shook my head at that memory, 'But what do they mean, 'Their Winged Protector?' I thought, glancing at the drawing of the creature that was recorded by the Survivor.

'Could they?...No...No Erwin, your jumping to conclusions and assumptions. There's no way...'

-Levi's PoV-

Erwin's been staring at that bloody drawing for the past few minutes, and I was getting sick of it.

"Oi, Erwin!" I growled at him, effectively snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.

He dumbly stared at me before straightening up, "Sorry about that Levi, your free to go."

I nodded and stood up, walking to the door before it suddenly opened. A cadet standing at immediate attention, took up the frame.

"Commander Erwin! The Priest's are back again!" They said, sweaty from running all the way to the HQ.

-Commander Erwin PoV-

I immediately sprung up walking briskly around my desk, looking at the fellow I said, "Good work, return to your duties."

He nodded and walked away, about to leave the room myself until my eye caught the picture again. I stared at it for a second before grabbing it, stuffing it in my pocket before walking out. I caught a glimpse at Levi as I passed, his normally natural expression broken only by his raised brow.


Sure enough those strange Priest's where again in front of the Chapel, preaching about their 'Winged Protector' just like always.

And just like always I attempted to reach them, only for the crowd to slow me down. I caught a glimpse of them gathering as I continued fighting against the wave of people. Eventually I got desperate and had enough, I reached into my pocket and drew out the drawing.

"Is this who you preach about?!" I demanded, the crowd ignoring my outburst, slowly dispersing.

I released a sigh of defeat, looking at the paper and then to the Chapel, expecting to see them gone like always. But they where still their, staring directly at me from under their hoods.

I slowly walked up to them, making sure it was real before one of them, the first Priest, strolled towards me. Standing in front of me, he was much taller then anticipated, looking down at me before slowly stretching his arm out, hand open, silently asking for the drawing.

I looked at it, and back to the Priest before reluctantly handing him it.

He looked at it, carefully inspecting it, then he lifted off his hood. He was a old man, his wrinkles few and his teeth crooked as he smiled in glee.

"Our Winged Protector...Has Awoken"

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