Chapter 26 - True Intentions - Part 1

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A/N: Sorry for the long break, it wasn't my intention to forget this story but things got crazy down here and thanks to Covid it didn't get much better though thankfully here in Aussie Land it's slowly been clearing up. Hope you guys are keeping safe and following the rules! Anyway, there won't be a lemon chapter...yet...because I'm gonna have a little surprise for you lot around Chapter 46-50. Also I'm still trying to find a way to overcome the embarrassment of people reading my smutty writing.

But I hope you stick around till then, for now I'm gonna start trying to pump out Chapter after Chapter since you guys deserve some entertainment.
I'll catch you later readers!

(Y/N): "-at's that? Your kidding right midget?"

You frowned, huffing out smoke that blew into Levi's face, earning a growl from the soldier as he waved the smog away with a small cough following after.

Levi: "Yes (Y/N), that's that. We need the kid according to Erwin and this is the best way to do it, I know you and Carla mightn't agree bu-"

(Y/N): "I'm in."

The small captain stopped walking and looked up at you, craning his neck and furrowing his brow as he silently stared at you.


(Y/N): "I'm in, except I want to beat the shit out of Eren."

Hanji: "Why?"

The crazy researcher hummed, walking in long strides beside you just before and now tapping her chin in thought as she arched a curious brow at you. Earning a fanged smirk in response.

(Y/N): "Simple, it's a way for me to talk to him, and smack some sense into him until he gets it through his head."

Levi: "Get what through his head?"

You chuckled, a darker sound then usual that made the two soldiers take a hesitant step away from you. Eyes slowly draining their colour from (E/C) to their original glowing purple.

(Y/N): "That he's not as big as he thinks he is."

+Timeskip by Carla talking to Eren, shocking and leaving him surprised by the something his mother said...+

Eren: "You Cowards! Just shut up and let me shoulder it all!"

The courtroom was silent, the opposition that was the Military Police sweating profusely and unable to form a proper sentence with the entire atmosphere dripping with uncertainty and fear.

???: "You talk a lot of shit for a immature, hot-headed brat."

The words were simple but the tone was chilling, almost sounding disappointed as the soft steps and scraping of scales echoed in the deathly quiet space.

Eren: "Huh?! Who th-?!"

A crack silenced him, the air leaving his lungs as he doubled over from his kneeling position, gasping and coughing as his eyes were drawn to a thickly scaled tail with hazardous spikes running down its length, and he immediately knew what creature it belonged too.

Eren: "U-ugh! You b-bastard-!"

Again he was silenced, this time by a scale reinforced knee rising up and slamming into his jaw with such force a tooth flew out from his mouth, clattering onto the floor before the aghast audience.

(Y/N): "Just shut your mouth already kid, your in enough shit as it is and your constant mouthing off isn't helping your position."

The young, yet defiant, human slowly raised his head, his eyes meeting your own with a inner rage you almost found impressive.

Eren: "And why not?! They're all cowards!"

(Y/N): "Cowards they may be, and weak is what they are. If I so chose I could devour everyone in this room and they wouldn't be able to fucking blink..."

A sharp intake of breath came from the assembled audience on the left, from Erwin as he looked down at Levi who stared at the scene before them, the large man slowly turning back in time to see a fist implanting itself into Eren's face, a definite black eye.

(Y/N): "I could rip out their spines and use them to hang their comrades..."

Another knee to the young boy, a crack and blood leaking from his nose indicating it was most certainly broken, a swing of the tail and his ribs groaned under the pressure from the blunt blow.

You didn't stop until you were sure he was covering in bruises and welts, split skin over his body and face weeping red blood as he shuddered and tried to keep his strength about him. He knelt there, gasping and coughing up saliva and blood, hissing in pain every time he moved as a red puddle slowly formed underneath him.

(Y/N): "...But I won't, because I know how to control myself, I know when to stop...Do you?"

Slowly he felt his hair being pulled, forcing him to look up into your pitch black eyes, (E/C) changing into their original and dangerous glowing purple as he tried to meet your glare even with his black eye and bruised body stained with his blood.

Eren: "Is-...Is that a-all...?"

(Y/N): "Arrogant boy, I'm not even putting any effort into this...if I was Carla would hate me forever..."

You muttered in a low volume, not needing to entire Corps to know of your soft spot for the human woman, far too many snakes in humanities ranks...But apparently you weren't quiet enough as the bruised and battered boy had his fire reignited, taking his opportunity to suddenly surge forward, clashing his head with your own.

You quickly released him, blinking in clear surprise and shaking toe head from the dull thud of faint pain quaking though your skull. Did he just...?

You looked down slowly, seeing a triumphant grin on the overachiever who seemed all to proud of himself for such a minor act. What was he so smug about a simple headbutt for? It was powerful, yes but it would've surely hurt him more then yourself.

Erwin: "(Y-Y/N)..."

You slightly turned to him, brow ready to be raised before you felt it, a single bead of thick liquid running down from your forehead where Eren rammed his skull into your own. Time seemed to slow down, eyes frozen onto nothing as the wet feeling slowly trailed down the side of your face, collecting at your chin before dripping down.

An eternity seemed to pass, the quiet of the courtroom now full of dread and outright fear as everyone took a shaky inhale...A soft, almost mute splatter echoed in the room, shaking the atmosphere.

You slowly let your eyes trail down, immediately drawn to a single drop of sinister purple standing out among the dull red. Blood...


...A soft laugh, quiet yet rumbling as it rattled everyone's bones, yet Eren didn't seem to get the idea or understand the sound as he still held his smirk.

Eren: "Hah! Where's your invincibility now?! You think your such an all powerful being and talk to me like that?! Huh?!"

Your laughter slowly rose, quiet and rumbling slowly building up into a deep and rolling sound that made the humans quaking already. But the boy persisted.

Eren: "And your nothing but a thief! You steal my mother! You manipulate her! And now you dare show your face to me after I've been told about your fucking deal?! That's right! They told me about how your he one going to be saving humanity! But it shouldn't be left to a monster who fakes his feelings! Much less a dog!"

Your laughter took a leap, the buildup slipping as you shook and bared your teeth, wings slowly flaring and tail twitching, the sinister and broken laughter now filling everyone's heads as the shadows in the corners of their eyes dances and stretched out into the figure is screaming humans, burning alive and crying in pain before melting into gooey puddles.

Eren: "Your nothing more then a mangy animal!"

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