Chapter 23 - Monster!

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What normally would have happened in a couple of painstaking hours happened in minutes, with the finale being that a certain bald drunk commander was nursing his utterly shattered pride...and his balls, which you are currently and repeatedly stomping on in front of the horrified soldiers and flabbergasted trio of troublemakers as you thought back to what happened that lead to these events.

+Flashback brought to you by (Y/N) dragging Pixis into the shadows with a rape face+

Carla, who before was running away from a fat excuse of a predator, was now standing and staring in awe as her dragonic saviour was currently caving the Titans head in with its own skull. She wasn't even going to question how this was possible, she was only glad to see you had swooped in to her after the small detachment of soldiers protecting her had turned out to be utterly useless.

"Fat...Useless...Drunk...Bastard!!!" You screamed with every attack to the creatures head, shoving your claws down its throat before heaving as you ripped its spine out of its mouth and then proceeded to use it to rip open its bloated stomach. "I'll rip out your eyes!...Shove them down your throat!...And make you watch as I rip your stomach out!" You continued, shouting death threats to the sky as you mutilated the titan under your feet and was currently pouring blood, bile and body parts from its torn gut. Panting, you dropped the now bloody skull and spine, hissing before your tail whipped around and sliced through its neck which ended its agony and painted your face and chest with steaming blood.

After staring at the slowly disintegrating corpse for a minute you tore your eyes away and turned to Carla who was still staring at you, a sigh echoing in your head as you crawled towards her to which she simply smiled and definitely relieved to see you, not disgusted or even afraid in the slightest after watching you torture and slowly pull apart the Titan now dead on the floor.

No words were needed as she climbed onto your hand and up your back, grabbing onto your horns before you took off back to the sky. Much more careful now with your precious cargo holding on as you sped towards the large gathering of Cadets and Garrison troops.

You knew Eren was there, you didn't care, you knew he thought his mother was dead because of you, you didn't care. What you did care about, was the fact Pixis lied to you about Carla and left her out on the streets to make you kill of the Titans for him.

Normally you'd congratulate him on that cunning, but it was Carla's life he betted on and for that you where going to tear his drunken face off!

+Flashback end+

With Pixis now out of commission for a while you stepped back over to Carla, ignoring the trio of trouble makers who are currently having their minds shattered, blown up and then scattered to the wind as you babied the widowed mother and looked all over for any sign of injury. Thankfully there was non, but that certainly didn't relieve you as the troops surrounding you suddenly backed off in quite a panic as a brick was thrown at the back of your head. It shattered of course, but you were not in the mood to be pissed off, not even flinching as the small bits and dust drifted down across your body and onto the floor, barely even registering it before another one was thrown and broken over your head once again.

You froze, eye slightly twitching as you looked up to Carla's horrified yet worried expression which pleaded you not to turn around or loose it. And you almost did, unable to fight her scared look before a third brick came flying to which you had enough and easy swatted it away with your tail, shattering it without even focusing before turning slowly around to glare directly into the eyes of non other then Eren Yeager.

He was angry, filled with unbridled range and confusion but he was determined, more determined then he'd ever been as he steeled himself and lifted yet another brick. "Get-...Get away...Get away from my mother you monster!!!"

Everyone was silent. Everyone was scared. Even his two most loyal friends back away from him, the timid Armin not wishing to be involved in his friends resentment and Mikasa simply scared of the beast in front of her.

You however, despite your rather off look and narrowed eyes were amused, amused at the boys tenacity to dare strike you but nobody could be fooled by the smug look as you clearly were pissed. Before bursting out laughing that is.

You couldn't help it, unable to believe how naive this kid could be with Carla wanting to step in to calm you down but some part of her held her back, knowing that something bad would happen if she tried too.

"Mon-Hahaha! A monster!? Hahaha! Oh my me you are hilarious Eren! How about next time you try telling me something less obvious and more like, 'How dare you show yourself here again after what you've done!', hahahahaaah...You humans are too much sometimes!" You sighed, seemingly composing yourself and breathing in as if about to continue before continuing to laugh, his accusation still floating around in your head and too funny to ignore.

Though Eren took it as a insult apparently, confusion now fully replacing his features but he was still putting up a angry front. "What?...What do you mean?! Huh!? What do you mean 'again'!? Why did you have my mother?!"

You finally stopped laughing, the sound stopping in an instant as you glared at him but now more confused. There's just no way, he can't be that dumb can he? A dragon kidnapped his mother, a dragon shows up at their training camp, and now here you are with Carla being the dragon who trained them...He really isn't connecting the dots...

You stared for the longest time, unable to process this before you looked very pissed and jumped up with extra height thanks to your wings, disappearing in the sun and then crashing down mere inches from the boys face which made him jump back with a short scream. "...You really don't know do you? Are you seriously this dumb!? Nobody can be this dumb! Your don't see it!?...There aren't two dragons. Just the one."

Finally it seemed to register with him, his brain switching on as he seemed to shake and his eyes widening in realisation before dropping the brick he had in his hand.

And a cruel smile was placed over yours.

He pointed a shaky finger at you, backsteppimg until Mikasa was forced to catch him with Carla running up to you to step in and try and cool you off. "Y-you-...You're the...the..."


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