Chapter 21 - Karma

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A thunderous explosion, multiple in fact appeared at the edges of the Trost District. Titan's of all sizes torn apart and incinerated as the creature of nightmares chased and swooped the trio of traitorous cadets in a blind rage, splintering homes and ripping up streets as the crazed dragonic being followed them in their fear induced panic.

"Annie~ Why are you and your friends running~? Are you scared~?...GOOD!" You screeched before grabbing a Titan in your teeth and pitching it at the group in a frenzy, the fat gluttonous mass sailing through the air and crashing into a building, disrupting their course and causing the three to force land.

"I warned you~...I gave you a chance and you ruined it~...Are all you shifters so incompetent~?...It doesn't matter, all that matters now is how many ways I can spill your guts!" You roared, your midnight scales absorbing the light of the sun as your large form was casting a foreboding shadow over the now trembling trio. The sharp and serrated teeth filling your maw, revealed as you looked down at the prey with your slitted purple eyes in a wicked smile.

They couldn't react, how could they when death was imminent? But that mattered not to you as a deep purple energy swelled up inside you, the glow visible through your chest and throat as your eyes locked on to the wide eyed female who was certain that her life was at its end.

But to your never ending annoyance and displeasure, the small ticks and snaps of ropes from the ODMG alerted you of the other humans approaching, obviously drawn to your presence and carnage as you hissed in anger.

"Fucking humans! To the shadows with you!" You spat in venom, growling before sharply turning to the three who seemed relieved as the Garrison and other Cadets slowly appeared around the edges of the building to get to you. "Don't think your safe!...This is merely inconvenience...I will end you all, and you shifters will be extinct...We are the Hunter and thou are the prey..."

With that you spread your wings, growling and taking off into the sky to spread more ruin to the Titan's and show them who the Predator really is as you released a ear piercing roar.

+Timeskip brought to you by Levi using cleaner on dragon (Y/n)'s 'dirty' scales+

Half of Trost laid in ruins from your rampage, countless bodies of Titans on the ground steaming and motionless, your mood was so sour you didn't even feel like eating them.

Really though they should be thanking you, the pressure is off and everyone can take a break but no, of course not, instead their going to kill Eren and his friends because he apparently is able to turn into a Titan.

'I thought his scent was off, no I know why...' You silently realised, still glaring at the nervous garrison as they tried to stay focused on the trio and not your pissed off expression.

Eventually though you got tired, tired of the lack of anything happening that is and you where still annoyed you didn't get any praise. '...Carla would've been giving me praise...letting me lay on her lap...listening patiently as I complained and moaned about the annoying humans that wouldn't stop poking and prodding, seriously I had to get the short one to lock her out of the rooms...wait...Caring, loving, thoughtful, considerate and understanding. Not to mention her attention, and cooking, is reserved for myself...Oh my me...' You came to a sudden conclusion, one you can only get when your a main protagonist in a story and have been sitting in a corner for the past ten minutes while literally everyone never questions it. "Carla is in l-!?"

However fate was feeling dickish today as both cannon fire and a thunderous boom was heard at the same time, kicking up a dust cloud along with gasps and shattering your once in a lifetime train of thought to pieces as you sharply looked up.

"...What was I thinking about?...Meh, probably not important."

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