Chapter 9 - A Spark of Kindness?

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+(y/n) PoV+

It's been a few days now since I stole this woman from the human settlement, she wasn't crying anymore to your relief, only scared and watching in a mix of fear and wonder as you lay down and twist the shadow's to our will.

You didn't need to indulge this human being, no matter how much she stared and shivered. However, your peaceful silence was broken when the soft but noticeable gurgle of a hungry stomach reached your ears. You looked down to her with a slightly amused look while she was distracted holding her stomach from the pain of it being empty.

It was only when she looked up again did she notice your stare, holding it for a second before quickly ducking back down like she's trying to hide, it was amusing for you really.

+Carla Yeager's PoV+

I couldn't move, my legs made sure if that as I stared at this thing before shifting my gaze down. I was scared, terrified. Eren and Mikasa could only watch as I was about to be eaten by a Titan, only to be stolen by this...thing. They must be distraught.

A sudden shift caught my attention as I looked up again, only to see the beast wasn't there. I was confused greatly, seeing as how a big creature like that could sneak away without me knowing.

Suddenly a smoking corpse landed in front of me, my first reaction was to scream before the steely glare of the beast entered my vision again, somehow taking my breath away as me and the creature held each others gaze before it snorted and pulled away which was followed by a huff as it lay on the dirty floor again.

It took my a minute to regain my composure, but when I did I realized that the smoking corpse was nothing more then a scorched horse. It didn't take a genius to know where it came from after seeing the burnt and charred leather saddle, but I didn't want to think about it as I looked up to see the beast watching me again, almost expectantly.

I swallowed my fear before taking a strip of cooked horse flesh and biting into it, the grease and charred remained getting all over my fingers and leaving a bad aftertaste in my mouth but I swallowed it and grabbed some more due to my empty stomach. Fully aware of the creature's glare as it watched me eat the meal it gave me...or was a smile?

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