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-Chapter Twenty-
Supernatural Shit

I sat behind the Braxton's desk, the large book open in front of me, Braxton and Richard reading for themselves what I had learned only days ago.

The two men spoke amongst themselves about new protocols, keeping certain things the same but allowing other changes.

"This is incredible, I wonder why no one has ever noticed this? Richard sounded.

"I have a theory on that." I spoke up. "I'm thinking only Weres have handled this text before, I mean it isn't exactly required material for the Luna Training...but Mr Ocklan when your mother showed me the pack library and told me I could go through anything at my leisure as the Luna to be, I did just that...again it isn't mandatory for anyone to read these books, but they're there for anyone in the pack to look at."

He nodded, "I'm wondering if I could pick Doctor Pollock's brain a little, as a medical professional he'd have to know about were genetics...and he did speak about dormant wolves so casually with Elise and Vance's incidences." He said more to himself than anything.

"That makes a lot of sense, I presume medical professional would have to study anatomy and genetics more in depth than anyone else." I agreed. "But when it comes to the whole secrecy of it all...again I'm assuming only Weres have handled any of these books ever and took the context of using discretion as complete secrecy and they passed that down to younger generations, so all you've ever been told or taught was to keep the knowledge of Weres a complete secret (obvious exceptions being mates)."

"At least that's my guess," I said further, "I'm thinking Weres would read the word 'discretion' and take it as meaning 'speak not on the subject at all, ever'...but reading it from the perspective of a non-Were I see discretion as, 'saying as little as possible'...but never does it say NOT to tell a non-Were." I said.

They both nodded along...We discussed a little more on the topic, before Braxton brought up the next topic of Betas.

"Ryder will be leaving us at the end of his next semester." Braxton informed him, "And I know you've agreed to help me by taking the spot of acting Beta but honestly we all know I will have to choose someone, and truth be told, I'm having one hell of a time deciding who can take on the role best, it's between Vance and Patrick...both my cousins, one through marriage one through blood, but both very capable of the position."

Richard only shrugged, "I can't tell you who to pick...that's your choice alone Alpha."

Braxton nodded his understanding, "Well, as always, I really appreciate your constant help when I need it..."

His uncle smiled and waved his words away nonchalantly as he smiled, "I'm always willing to help you with whatever you need any time you need, you know that."


"Are you sure you're up for this?" I asked a little worried now. "You know you don't have to do this if it's something you really don't want to...we can always find another person to do this."

He shook his head, "Hey relax," He said softly but a humored tone to his words "I've been naked in front of females I've been shifting since I was's no big deal, really."

Over the next week we slowly started telling everyone about the whole Dormant wolves situation and how I needed to tell my sister, and when we told Ryder we also asked him if he'd help us out in "proving" to her that this was all real.

I know my sister and we could explain things perfectly and precisely, but if she didn't see it, she wouldn't believe it...and I knew for a fact that there was no way I was going to let her see Braxton naked, and suffice it to say all of our friends are pretty much Ryder was the first one who came to mind. He is someone she knows and respects plus he's so serious all of the time that it would be hard for anyone to not believe anything he told them.

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