fear of unknown. ..

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As his mind was suffocating, Rajan Bedi yearned for fresh air. ..A/ C at its lower temperature didn't help him anymore. ..

He recalled the terrific dream that he went through just now. ..

He was amidst a deep jungle where the sun rays scared to gleam in. ..His feet felt sticky as the soil was wet. ..He was looking around with soared fear. ..

Suddenly, some strange sound like a leopard 's cry hit his ears. ..it's frequency was increasing time to time that he couldn't tolerate it anymore. ..He shouted for help. ..His voice didn't come out. ..He opened his mouth wider and shouted again. ..

" help. ..somebody help. .."

Even this time, his voice didn't sound. ..instead, he was hit by a huge wooden log...that was hollow inside. ..

no. ..no. ..it was not hollow. ..

Something was stuffed in. ...He squinted his eyes for clear vision. ..

No. ..no. ..it was someone. ..someone was stuffed in. ..

He wiped his sweated face. ..With trembling hands, he leaned to it. ..

With no time, he shouted as hell. ..

" vyom. ..."

Yes. ..it was vyom, his body was stiffened as though he was in a freezer. ..His eyeballs were bulged out and black. ...lips white and torn. ..

Out of horrible, Rajan Bedi shouted repeatedly. ..

" vyom. ..vyom. ..vyom. .."

Luckily , this time his voice broke out with full thrust. ..He sat down with extreme perplex. ..

Even now, he couldn't believe what he had dreamt off. ..He touched his chest to calm his fast beating heart. ...

He needed fresh air to retreat him back. ..He decided to stand at the balcony for sometime. ..He guessed that would help him to some extent. ...

Just as he put one foot on to the balcony, something invisible seized his body and flung him back into the room. ..then, he felt a strange sensation. ..as if something was drawing out his strength. ..

He tried to stand and get out of the room. ..He felt something had tied his feet together. ..He couldn't even move. ..He fell on all his fours at the floor. ...

The air conditioner 's temperature started to decrease in a faster rate. ..



The air conditioner burst into pieces with a loud bhoom. ...

" no. ..."

Rajan bedi covered him by crossing his hands. ....

" cluck. .."

The door opened and mathavi bedi peeped her head in. ...her eyes were sunken under the influence of the drink she had. ...

" Rajan. ...what happened. .?why you're shouting. .?"

Her voice wasn't clear for the same reason. ..

Rajan bedi looked around and checked the A /C to be normal. ..He wiped his sweat and gulped. ..His throat had parched. .His tongue had stuck to his palate. ..He felt as if he gonna faint. ..

It took some time for him to get back into normal. ..

" Rajan. ..are you okay. .?"

Mathavi re insisted ....

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