1- Bruises

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Aries sighed. She'd just got back from school and already her mother was shouting curses and insult at her.
"You little b***h! Come back here before I make you!" Aries scowled, ignoring her provoker and walking forcefully up to her room. There, Sagi was already curled up on the love seat, his eyes wet with tears. Aries spotted fresh red marks on his neck, and rage filled her every being. Had her mother hit him again? Why? Aries didn't understand. She hated her mother, and her father too for leaving them.
Sag looked up. "Is she drunk again?"
Aries hissed, "Obviously! She's cursing like a sailor is she not?" Now with his face fully visible, it was clear Sagittarius had been crying, tears still leaking down his cheeks. "Did she hurt you again?" He nodded weakly. A fresh wave of fury rolled through Aries. She pushed it aside and curled her arms gently around her brother. Then, in a rare moment of weakness, she allowed her self to cry. She felt so relieved as the warm tears poured down her face. It felt good to let her anguish out, to voice her misery.
In a soft whisper, Sagittarius asked, "Where's Leo?"
"At theater practice." How Aries envied her sister, able to escape home with her lessons. Aries would've found something too, but she had to be there in case their mom went psycho. She couldn't leave that witch alone with Sag. "She'll be home soon, okay?" Funny, how Aries and Leo took care of their brother, considering he was the oldest. It didn't matter.
Aries heard the faint creak of the door as it swung open. Shushing Sagittarius quickly, she listened closely to their conversation.
"Hello Darling! I thought you were at theater!"
"I was, but it's over." Leo's voice was filled with disgust, her words tight and clipped.
"I made you a snack! You should eat it before it gets cold!"
"I'd rather eat sh*t than anything you cook!" God bless her! Leo knew just how to shut up their mother, and was the only one able to.
"Fine. But do have something!"
"I did have something mother. At school." Sagi let out a soft chuckle. Aries put her finger to his lips again. He looked at the ground. Footsteps echoed up the stairs. Finally, Leo entered, clearly annoyed. "I hate her! And this place!"
"We all do, Leo." Aries sighed. Leo joined them in the hug, and held them both while they wept.

The next day, Aries returned from school earlier than usual. Her friends had a class, and had left a few minutes after the bell rang. Not really worried, Aries calmly walked up the front steps of her house, unlocked the door, and came in.
There was her mother, a terrifying expression on her face. Rage. Oh no! Oh god no! Aries bolted for her room, but her mother yanked her by the hair and threw her to the ground. She dragged Aries, screaming and kicking, to her room, locking the door.
"Now you little brat," her mother drawled menacingly as she pulled out a barbed whip, "will learn your lesson for disobeying me!" She tore the shirt off Aries' chest, bringing down the whip with tremendous force. Aries screamed in pain, the lash leaving a bloody red mark on her back. Please! PLEASE STOP! She couldn't stop the tears that dripped down her face. Her back burned, her mother lashing it again.
"AAAHHH!" Aries tried to crawl away, but that only elicited more strikes. Aries' hands went to her back, shaking as they came back into view, drenched in crimson liquid. She could hear the faint banging on the door, and the shrieks to be let in by Leo and Sagittarius. It was no use. Her mother pulled out a knife this time, pinning Aries to the floor and slicing a long cut across her stomach. Not enough to kill her, but enough to draw blood. Aries screamed louder this time, instinctively kicking her legs out. They landed with a satisfying thud, and Aries took the opportunity to sprint for the door, fumble the lock open with her blood slicked hands, and collapse into the hallway. She felt strong yet gentle arms pick her up and cradle her before she passed out.

"Aries? Aries, oh god what did she do?" Aries slowly sat up, her back screamed with pain and she fell back into gentle arms. Leo was looking at her with worried eyes, tears rolling down her face. Sag was stony still, his eyes concealed by locks of scarlet hair. Aries glanced at the sheets below her. They were soaked in crimson blood. Was it that bad? Her mother had never hurt her like that before! And where had she gotten that whip? Dazed, a billion thoughts raced through Aries' head. "Oh, don't move doll! You're already hurt as it is!" Leo pressed a light hand to Aries' chest, pinning her firmly to the bed.
"Why?" Was all Aries had the energy for before she broke into manic sobs, "WHY?" She didn't understand! Her mother was a monster! She didn't deserve this, NONE of them deserved this! So why was it happening? Leo pulled her close, stroking her hands lovingly through Aries' hair. The touch sent shivers down Aries' spine, and it did calm her. Suddenly, Aries felt very tired, and she fainted on the bed, still in Leo's arms.

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