26- Secrets Hide Secrets

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A cheery girl stood in front of Capricorn, laughing carelessly with her eyes sparkling. Her bright auburn hair flared in the Sun's rays, and her emerald eyes reflected joy. Her skin was pale, the greens and browns of  her dress contrasting perfectly against its shining pallor. The girl was younger than Capricorn, but not by much. She seemed about 17 years of age at least.
"Come on Cap!" She tugged at his arm, mouth set into a amused smirk, "Hurry up!"
Capricorn, unable to do anything but see his own dream, snorted, "Have some patience, Caprice!" The girl's face turned sorrowful.
"You're leaving soon, aren't you?" Capricorn nodded.
"Yeah, I am. But don't worry, I'll be back soon!" Caprice sighed.
"You'll be there for like, 30 years!" Her eyes were teary now, her voice shook ever so slightly.
"I know, but it won't be to long, I promise!" Caprice shook her head.
"Maybe for me, but not for you! Humans don't live that long..." She suddenly hugged Capricorn tightly, "I don't want to lose you!" Capricorn gave her a small smile.
"You won't, all you have to do is wait..."

Capricorn jolted awake, the dream still fresh in his mind. It had seemed so vivid, so real... Who is Caprice? I've never met her before! He shook his head in confusion. So why did I dream of her? And how did I know, whilst dreaming it, that it was indeed a dream? I don't have lucid dreams often...
Taurus burst into the room just then.
"I need someone to explain to me what just happened, and I thought you'd know!" Capricorn cocked his head.
"Know what?"
"I know this is gonna sound really weird, but I had this dream... Vision... Whatever you wanna call it, that had this guy, I think his name was Tauran, in it. It doesn't make sense! I don't know him, or anyone similar to him! And I never left anywhere! Not for 30 years!" Taurus flopped into a chair, "I have no idea what's happening!"
Oh god this is weirder than I thought. And when you read people's minds, you see everything, no joke! Capricorn gulped.
"Weird thing... I had a similar dream, but with a girl named Caprice instead..." Taurus stared at him, bewildered, "I honestly am not sure what it means..." He glanced, surprised, at the glittering stone that'd just appeared in his hand. He looked up at Taurus.
"Well, we must have them for a reason. You know..." Taurus nodded. She held the gem to her chest.
"Cessabit." The word was barely a whisper.
Capricorn gripped his own stone, bracing himself for the inevitable, "Sapientiae." Reality leaked out and the visions leaked in, until the blur of colors and sounds was so confusing that Capricorn couldn't take it anymore and passed out.

Well, I see you're here. Great!
A woman, unidentifiable in age, stood in front of Capricorn. She looked young, but her eyes reflected the wisdom of generations upon generations. She had long, straight brown hair, and brilliant emerald eyes. Two creamy white goat's horns curved from her temple, vines speckled with tiny white flowers wrapping around them. A long tail, covered in overlapping, smooth, dark sea green scales, swooped from her back, ending in an elegant fin. She wore a long dress that extended just beyond her knees, the silky fabric a rich jade color. Smooth leather converted her arms and calves, embroidered with golden stitching. A golden necklace dangled from her neck, a crystal, dark sea green in color and carved with a golden symbol.
She nodded, smiling placidly.
Why did you call me...?
So I could explain to you your... Vision, shall I say.
As you already know, you've dreamt of a girl. Caprice, right?
Y-yes. That's right.
Did you also know... She is your sister?
What? Taurus and Virgo are my sisters!
Not really. You may remember it as such, but only because you were sent to Earth. They are your cousins.
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I'm- wait.
Capricorn stood, speechless. It made sense now. The dream wasn't lucid, or a dream at all!
It was a memory.
Come here, I need to tell you something.
What is it?
Capricorn walked over to Sapientiae, and she leaned in close to his ear.
Capricorn Sapientiae Animo
The words sent an involuntary shudder through Capricorn's body. Sapientiae held him firmly in place, her hands guiding him slowly to the ground. She touched a finger to his forehead, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
What... Was that?
You full name, first, middle, last and all.
Geez... But I think I understand now.
And Sapientiae?
When can I go back...? To my home, my real home.
Soon, Capricorn, soon.

Reality seeped into Capricorn's vision, and he found himself, with much relief, back in his own house. Though I guess only on Earth. Pain hit him like a truck, the memories crashing down and burying him. Capricorn tried to blink back the tears that came, but to no avail. They still rolled down his cheeks and fell onto his hands. He took a few deep breaths, then calmed down, picked up his phone.
"Hey, Cap..."
"Did you...?"
"Yeah. His name's Cance. I-" she broke off the sentence, her voice choked with the weight of memories, "I want to go home!" Capricorn swallowed hard. He could easily relate to what Cancer felt.
"Sapientiae says that'll be soon."
"How soon?"
"I don't know, but I trust her." Cancer inhaled sharply.
"Okay, I will then too." Capricorn hung up the call, hot tears stinging his eyes.
Taurus woke up, curled up on the seat she was in. Tears began to stream down her face, and the memories she was experiencing tugged at Capricorn's attention. He pushed them away, wanting to give Taurus some privacy, and walked over to her. He sat with her, pulling her into a hug. It was all he could do to keep the tears from flowing down his own face.
I promise, he whispered to himself, I will come back home. Soon, soon...

Sorry! Fluff break's over! 1022 words about, not bad! Alright, we got some heavy stuff coming up, then what I've been waiting for- the Zodiacs come home. Actually home, to their siblings.
And yes, all the houses are really cousins, not siblings. They'll still act like it though! (Introductions to the new characters are coming soon, so get ready! New ships too.)
See you soon, darlings! Buh-bye!

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