28- At Long Last

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Joyful tears poured down Caprice's face as she tightly held her brother. You're home! Finally, you're home!
"Miss me?" He chuckled, ruffling her hair. She flicked him on the forehead, "hey!"
"Of course I missed you, dimwit!" Caprice pouted playfully, "And I've- we've- got news." Capricorn raised an eyebrow.
"What kind of news?" Sagi walked over to her, Sagittarius looking at her with a confused look on his face. The other girl pecked Caprice lightly on the cheek.
Capricorn turned to Sagittarius, smirking. He just shrugged and looked back at them.
"Let me guess," Sagittarius inquired, "you're dating now?"
Caprice beamed sweetly, "Yup! You guys have a lot to catch up on!" Capricorn nodded.
"I guess we do."

Libri had been working on a drawing she'd had for months. She was really focused on it when a loud yelp, sounding like Caprice, resounded from down the hallway. It broke her concentration, so she, and Scorp, who was in her room at the time, went to check it out. Evidently, it turned out to be none other than their siblings, standing there with the Queen after many years of waiting. Her mouth had dropped open upon seeing her brother smiling at her, standing a short ways from Leo and Leon.
He turned to them, eyes bright and smile warm, "Hey! No time long see!" Scorp laughed and rolled her eyes. She leaned over to whisper in Libri's ear.
"I'm going to find my brother. You go ahead and talk to your bro!" With that, she slipped off to look for Scorpio.
"I can't believe you're back!" Libri gave her brother a short hug, beaming happily.
"Yeah, neither can I! Also," he glanced towards the direction Scorp had gone, "what did I just witness?" Libri looked down, a rosy blush creeping across her cheeks.
"Umm..." She took a deep breath. It's just my brother, I can tell him! "Me and Scorp are... Partners now." Libra smiled. He poked Leo on the shoulder. She whipped her head around, her golden eyes drifting to where Libri stood, awkwardly fidgeting her hands. She fiddled with her sash, tapping her nails on the buckle. Libra whispered into her ear, and Leo giggled.
"So, you're dating  Scorp now, huh?" Leo's smile was as warm as ever. Her golden eyes shone with laughter, and her sunlight colored hair tumbled down her shoulders in glossy waves. A shimmering golden dress swirled down from her shoulders to about a halfway past her knees. As beautiful as ever, though I doubt she had this kind of clothing in the human world. In fact... Libri inspected the dress a bit more, Ah yes. This is what she wore on the day she left, 17 years ago.
"Yes, I am." Libri gave a small smile, "And I love her to death." Leo grinned at this, seemingly a little shocked.
"Woah! Maybe a little more backtracked, okay?" She laughed again, "I'm kidding! Sounds like you have a good relationship, I'm glad!" Libri nodded happily. She glanced at Leon, only to find him absent. Must've gone off to find Virg. Wouldn't be the first time!
"How was life on Earth? Scary, fun, what?" Leo suddenly looked uncomfortable. Her hands went to the strap on her dress, and she tapped something behind her back, which Libri couldn't see.
After a moment, Leo sighed and looked back at Libri, "Not the best... I mean, I have so many great friends there, not to mention followers," she rolled her eyes, though they didn't quite match the strained tone in her voice, "But there were some things... Not so great..." Libri frowned, but stayed silent. If this was a sensitive issue for Leo, she wasn't going to press. Usually, the truth came out on its own.
Leo inhaled, then exhaled. She turned to Libri with a fire in her eyes, "We, Aries, Sagittarius and I, more or less had an abusive mother on Earth. Her husband had divorced her, and left us all. It was hard, all those years, watching my cousins, though I thought them siblings at the time, be hurt and insulted countless times by her." Libri put a horrified hand over her mouth. How horrible! Oh, poor dears! Leo continued, "Her name was Jupiter Embross." Libri stiffened in shock. Jupiter? Does she mean the planet? Or... She contemplated the answer, Just a reincarnation?
"I'm so sorry, none of you deserve that!" Libri's voice came out soft and a bit shaky. To begin to imagine the pain they must've gone through... No, it was too much!
Leo's smiled was melancholy, "I know, and thank you. Still," her smiled turned brighter, "there's no more of that now!"

Scorp weaved around the others, her gaze scanning for her brother. First, she spotted Taurus and Tauran, both of them chatting enthusiastically. She was almost about to turn away when a finger tapped her shoulder.
Scorp turned around to see a smirking Scorpio staring right back at her.
"Looking for someone?" He asked, still smirking.
Scorp huffed and flicked him on the head. He snorted and got her right back on the neck, "Obviously! I was looking for you!" Scorpio smiled at this. Scorp hugged her brother, pulling away as soon as she saw Taurus and her brother coming over.
"Hey, Scorp! How are you?" Taurus smiled sweetly. Her green eyes sparkled joyfully, and her copper skirts rustled as she bounced over to them. Tauran followed, a placid grin on his face. Rare to see him so calm, but it seemed perfect for the moment. Scorp neglected to warn him about the figure slowly creeping up behind him.
"Hey!" Aren hooked his arms around Tauran's neck, who let out a surprised squeak and tumbled to the ground.
"Aren! Don't surprise me like that!" Aries was grinning, trying to contain her snickering. She wasn't the most subtle person in the world, however. Aren high fived his sister, grinning mischievously.
"Heheh. Sorry, Tauran!" Scorpio whispered into Scorp's ear.
"We should leave them be for now." She nodded, smirking, and they slipped away.
Before long, they'd come to a small hidden section of the garden. Scorpio smiled at the sight.
"Remember this place?" Scorp asked, walking to stand beside him. Not looking at her, he replied.
"Yeah. Those were fun times!" He laughed softly, "I'm glad to be here again. It calms me." They both sat down on the grass, surrounded by brilliant blue flowers, and near a sparkling crystalline pool. It'd been a while since Scorp had come here with her brother, and even longer since they'd found the place.
"Have any news for me?" Scorpio asked, genuinely curious.
"Well... Yeah," Scorp laughed softly, "I'm partners with Libri now, actually." Scorpio grinned and clapped his hands together.
"That's great! I'm glad you have somebody." He sighed, his smile dropping a bit, "Must've been lonely, huh?" Scorp sighed as well, her eyes now downcast.
"Very. I missed you everyday." She pressed her head against his shoulder, "But I'm glad you're back, and that's what matters." Scorpio smiled again.
"Yeah, it really is."

Yay! Another sweet chapter to get a break from all the intense ish that's been going down. Don't think for another second that's over though! Oh no, there's more where that cane from!
Hope you enjoyed, and love you all! Till we meet again, darlings!

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