12- Broken Hearts Will Heal

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Before I begin, I need to clear some stuff up. These are voices Pisces hears. And this is his thoughts. Okay? Okay.

"Pisces! PISCES!" Pisces jolted into reality. He blinked several times before realizing what was going on. Got lost in my head again, I suppose. Aieeh!
"Sorry! What is it, Can?" His younger sister, Cancer, was staring at him, her lips slightly pursed.
"I was, well Cap was, asking if you knew what the strange marks some others have are. I wonder too, honestly..." Pisces shook his head. He had no idea what they were, much less who had them anyway.
He asks a lot of questions... Yes, Capricorn is that kind of person. But he already knows the answers... What do you mean?
Can you not? Pisces jumped.
Where did that come from? He speaks...
I see you're having a very one sided conversation there, Pisces.
Wait... Capricorn? The heck?
Sorry for not telling you. I have... Certain abilities.
Like what, exactly...? Isn't it obvious? No, otherwise I would've noticed!
Could you leave Pisces alone, please? I don't think he appreciates your banter.
If I cannot put this politely, shut up!
You know these voices are my own thoughts?
Then why...?
I've found it helps sometimes.
I guess so... Thanks for that!
No problem.
Pisces grinned at Capricorn, who reciprocated with a small smile. He had taken a liking to Capricorn, who seemed to know everything before it was answered. It didn't seem he used this intuition to manipulate anyone though, as he'd helped Pisces and his siblings countless times before. It was nice, really.
Besides Capricorn, Pisces had been introduced to Taurus, a sweet girl with long, straight brown hair and mossy green eyes. Also, her and Cap's sister Virgo. In Pisces' opinion, he liked her the most. Not just for her long, dark, curly brown hair and brilliant emerald eyes, for her being kind and quiet. Kind of like him actually. Except she had a level of maturity and poise Pisces hadn't seen in others like her, especially being the youngest of the Emerens.    Suddenly, her sweet face popped into view. Pisces let out a tiny squeal of surprise, eliciting a laugh from her and the others.
"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" She apologized sheepishly, a slight blush on her cheeks. Pisces felt himself blush in turn, and heard Virgo giggle softly.
"You didn't scare me. I just... Get lost in my own world a lot. More than you know..." They all laughed.
"Yeah," Scorpio snorted, "Pi acts like the youngest of us, though he's really the oldest. Because he," Scorpio ruffled Pisces' hair, "Is a kawai cinnamon bun." Pisces could tell the others were trying to hold in laughter, particularly Taurus and Cancer. Those two had hit it off right away, and Pisces was glad that Cancer had opened up to Taurus. Though he could tell she hadn't said everything yet...
"Well then, who acts the oldest?" Capricorn had a smirk on his face, likely already knowing the answer. He winked at Pisces.
"Scorpio does, though he's the youngest!" Cancer just broke down after that, rolling on the ground in a fit of giggles. Scorpio rolled his eyes, though he was clearly laughing too.
Pisces would've laughed, but he couldn't make a sound. His throat clenched and he bolted for the gardens. No, no, no! Not now! Not here!
LEAVE ME ALONE! Pisces collapsed on the grass, clutching his head in his hands. He opened his eyes a crack, almost unable to see anything, though he could see a figure running toward him. The voices pounded in his head, screaming and laughing so loud he could hardly bear it. He heard a different scream this time, but he was in too much agony to realize it was him that'd screamed.
Firm hands rolled him over. In his agonized state, Pisces couldn't make out who it was. They placed a hand on his forehead and lowered his own hands from his ears. He still didn't recognize them.
That is, until they spoke.
"Pisces? Are you alright?" Virgo? Pisces was surprised that the girl had chased after him. Why is she here? Virgo lowered her hand out of his line of sight, and when he could see it again, a spring of some sort of purple flower was wound around it. Virgo waved her hand in front of his nose, and the flowery scent of lavender filled his nostrils. Immediately, he felt calmer, the voices had quieted. Phew! Pisces was incredibly relieved. They stopped.
"Thank you. Really. How did you know that would help? The lavender." Virgo shrugged.
"It helps calm nerves when someone is freaking out, which you were definitely doing. And you're welcome."
"Heh..." Pisces breathed. To his surprise, Virgo pulled him into a warm embrace, nestling her head between his chin and shoulder. He couldn't help but make a sound of surprise, but he didn't really mind. She looked so innocent, sitting there hugging him.
"Virgo..." She nuzzled him further, lightly nipping his neck. Pisces didn't know whether to respond or just stay silent and enjoy the moment.
"It's nice here," she mumbled, "In the quiet. Away from prying eyes..." She giggled. It was soft and breathy, "I really enjoy it!"
"Yeah," Pisces sighed, "I do too."

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