37- Forget, Forgotten

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Taurus was still trying to shake off the shock she'd felt at seeing her sis- cousin almost die. Even more so the madness in her eyes, and the vivid description she'd painted. Taurus shivered as the gruesome image flashed in her mind. Ugh! Why can't I just forget it?
She jumped as she felt hands placed on her shoulders. Turning around, Taurus saw Scorpio standing behind her, smirking. He snorted as she blushed in embarrassment.
"Did I scare you, Taur?" He laughed softly. Taurus huffed indignantly, shoving him away from her. She stood, arms crossed, in front of him, lips pursed and eyes narrow. Scorpio laughed again, rolling his eyes and sitting down in a seat near her. Taurus sighed but sat with him, lips curling into a smile. Scorpio cocked his head.
"Have you forgotten what day it is?" Taurus raised an eyebrow, perplexed. Scorpio grinned, "It's your birthday!" He jumped up and hugged her. She squeaked in surprise, but hugged him back and kissed him. Taurus grinned widely, eyes shining with joy.
"Sorry!" She giggled, "Guess I did!" Scorpio rolled his eyes again. It was typical of her.
"Ay, Taur! You can't just forget things half the time!" He leaned down until they were nose to nose, "It's irresponsible, you know?" Taurus scoffed and flicked his forehead. She then counteracted that by standing up and pulling him into a kiss. They stayed like that for a few minutes, eyes closed, then broke off breathless.
Scorpio grabbed her wrist, leading her towards her room.
"You need to get ready. Come on!"
"Are you going you going to help me?" Scorpio looked back at her. She was smirking coyly, lips turned up in a smile with a thin line of teeth showing. Scorpio reflected her smirk with a grin.
"Nope. But the Earth and Water sign girls are." They both laughed.

Taurus looked in the mirror. The room was dead silent as everyone waited for her to respond. She turned to them, smiling.
"Thank you!" She squealed. Taurus opened her arms and they all embraced in a group hug. Cancer smiled, carefully adjusting Taurus' hair. The other girls had styled simply, with two locks of hair braided and joined in the back, with the rest let loose and framing her face in wisps. Small hairpins shaped like lilies and set with sparkling crystals that were hued in shades of pink from a deep rose to a crystalline clear peeked out of her hair. A delicate necklace set with pearls and emeralds hung from her neck, the intricate gold chains draping past her collarbone.
The gown she wore started a warm coppery brown, the shifted to a bright grassy green, to mossy, and finally to deep emerald. It was strapless and simple, going to just past her knees and flowing around her like silk. Her shoes were simple suede slippers, adorned at the buckle with tiny white crystals. Golden embroidery was stitched into the smooth leather, shimmering like sunlight as she shifted.
The sounds of the party just starting to take place drifted into Taurus' room through the door. The other five girls raced off to get changed themselves, leaving just Taurus and a very impressed Capricorn standing in the doorway. Taurus' older cousin had been waiting for her to finish prepping, and was going to lead her to the party since Scorpio was 'busy'. Taurus smirked slightly at her cousin. He looked dashing in a forest green suit, though Taurus knew he had more casual clothes underneath in case things got crazy (which they tended to do). She also wonder how the hell he had time to prepare for all of it.
"Trust me, not much." Capricorn looked at her calmly, smiling at her guilty expression.
"Stop doing that!" Taurus huffed, crossing her arms. Capricorn just laughed.
"You are the only person here besides me. I can't exactly stop it when your thoughts pop into my head, especially when you are right next to me." Someone yelled from down the hall. Capricorn glanced at his cousin, "Guess that's our call!" They both walked quickly towards the sound.

There will be a little more cussing from now on in this chapter (I'll censor it though!).

Both of them entered the gardens to find Aries gulping down an entire bottle of whiskey. (By the way, all of them are of legal drinking age! They were only 18-19 on Earth.) She put it down harshly and turned to them, grinning.
"Hey!" She chirped. Taurus stared at her whilst Capricorn just shook his head with his palm to his forehead.
"How even...?" Aries laughed. Taurus still stared at her in shock. What just happened?
"You know full well my alcohol tolerance! Come one Taur! Join me!" Taurus hesitated. She wasn't much of a drinker, and she liked staying sober for most of the party. Even though it was her party.
"No thanks... I don't drink much." Aries shrugged. Aquarius walked over and sat next to her, starting some chatter about... Taurus couldn't actually tell. She slowly inched away from them until they were out of sight.
"Having a hard time?" Taurus jumped as she heard a voice laugh behind her. Turning, she saw Scorpio smirking at her for the second time that day. She groaned in exasperation, rolling her head back. He laughed softly, stepping into full view.
"Yeah, I guess so." She looked him up and down, "And you?"
He shrugged, "It's been fine. Although, Gemini might've gone a little crazy. Seriously. She won't stop talking!" They both burst out laughing. Scorpio took her by the hand and they both walked over to where most of the others were sitting. Gemini was indeed running her mouth off, talking to Sagittarius who anyone could tell wasn't really listening. Still, he asked questions at perfectly timed intervals to get her to pause, if only two seconds.
Music rang from the garden pavilion, and Taurus looked over to see Leo and Libra performing to the tune of Pi's violin. She smiled to see her friends having a fun time, and picked up a small glass. Someone poured amber liquid into it, and Taurus only just caught the glittering green wink of Tauran as he passed her by. Sighing, she tipped the glass back and coughed a bit as the burning liquid slid down her throat. Still, it was a nice buzz, and she took a few more sips before walking over to her cousins and brother.
"Hey Taurus!" Caprice chirped excitedly, holding the stem of her glass delicately. Sagi sat next to her, talking to Leon. Caprice elbowed her girlfriend, whispering in her ear. To Taurus' surprise, Sagi pulled out a small bottle. It was filled with an indiscernible liquid, but the smell that came from it was definitely recognizable.
"Where did you get that?" Taurus asked, shocked that conservative Sagi would have a product like the bottle on her hands.
Sagi grinned, "Well, let's just say I have connections."
"In the South Korean skies? Who?" Sagi shrugged.
"Draco. I beat him in hand to hand combat and we've been friends ever since. Want to try?" Taurus shrugged as if to say; 'Why not?' and took the bottle.

A few hours past and Aries was still not blackout drunk. She'd already had several glasses of whiskey, some wine, etc, and could still walk and talk with little error. On the other hand, most of the more adventurous Zodiacs (and Ophiucus, don't ask) had either gone to bed, passed out, or had taken lighter drinks, though they still stumbled a little.
Virgo had stayed sober the entire party, and Leon too. They didn't like drinking, even more so than Capricorn, who'd nursed his for the duration of the party. When the others asked what he was doing, he said, no joke!;
"Not turning myself into a blockhead." Taurus had burst out laughing hysterically at that, as well as Caprice, and Cancer. The aforementioned Cancer had only had one drink so far, still sipping periodically on her second. Cap stayed close to her, in case she got a bit too tipsy.

A few more hours. Most everyone had left. Leo, Libra, Aries, and Aquarius were still there, but no doubt they'd be gone soon too. Scorpio led Taurus away, hand covering her eyes. When she'd asked him why, he just told her;
"It's a surprise..." Taurus had sighed at this. She didn't hate surprises, just didn't like them.
After what seemed to be hours of walking, despite it being only a few minutes, Scorpio lifted his hand from her eyes.
Taurus' eyes watered when she saw the gorgeous green forest around her. Tall, leafy trees, lush, emerald undergrowth, and the sweet chirps and chitters of the animals that called the place home. While she was staring at the beautiful scene, Scorpio pulled out a small brown box.
"Hey Taur, turn around." Taurus looked at Scorpio, holding the small box in his hands. He took hers, thumbing the box open. She gasped as the lid popped up, revealing a glittering gold ring set with a heart shaped emerald. Taurus looked at Scorpio, eyes glistening with happy tears.
"Taurus... Will you... Marry me?" Taurus nodded, placing her left hand in his.
"Yes! Of course I will! Yes! Yes!" He slid the ring on her finger and dipped her in a passionate kiss. The stars sparkled overhead, glittering like they were in celebration of the happy couple.

Before you guys hound on me, this happened after Ber birthday, which was May 1st. Today is May 4th, for your information, and that's their anniversary.
Also, this is for all you Taurus x Scorpio shippers out there! You're welcome :)! Gotta go darlings! Adieu!

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