13- People Like Us

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(Just pretend this is Taurus singing to Cancer. You'll see why soon! 😉)

For the first time, Cancer had brought someone over to her house, well, hers, Pisces', and Scorpio's. And it was Taurus' first time being at a friend's house.
The house was simple, warmly decorated with a homey feel to it. Each of the siblings' rooms was decorated individually, though Taurus had only seen Cancer's so far. It was painted a light shade of blue, with oak furniture and a small bed in the center of the back wall. Trinkets were scattered across the tables, and there was one locked drawer. Taurus had no idea what was in it, and didn't want to ask in fear she'd offend Cancer or something like that. It was definitely not the neatest room she'd ever seen, no. That award went to Virgo, who had everything organized in some manner or another.
For whatever reason, Cancer had disappeared soon after they'd arrived. Taurus wasn't sure where she'd gone, and was just told to wait in Cancer's room, via note. Taurus was beginning to get bored, and wanted to look for her friend, so she got up from the chair she'd been sitting on and walked around the room. To her surprise, she could hear faint crying from the behind the bathroom door. Immediately concerned, Taurus knocked on the door.
"Can-Can?" (Taurus' nickname for Cancer is indeed Can-Can,) "Are you alright?"
"Don't come in!" Now, Taurus didn't like to admit it, but she was the kind of person to do the exact thing you told them not to do if they so wished. And Taurus, did wish.
Fiddling with the lock, Taurus eventually got it open with her hair clip. When she kicked open the door, she was greeted with the most shocking yet horrifying sight she'd laid eyes on.
There was Cancer, a knife in her hands, blood dripping from several cuts on her wrist. They were fresh, red and glistening sickeningly. Cancer stared at her, eyes wide in fear.
"I told you to not come in..." Cancer's voice was tight and high pitched. Her head hung down, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Cancer..." Taurus stared at her friend in disbelief. No! Why is she doing this? Why is my friend... Hurting herself? Taurus swallowed. She knew why, she had a similar problem, "Why? Why would you do this?"
The girl flinched, "I was afraid of this..."
"Of what?"
"You judging me. Thinking I was disgusting or disgraceful. It always happens when people find out..." Cancer's voice was bitter, full of pain and regret.
"No. I don't think less of you for this!"
"What?" It was Cancer's turn to be surprised, "but- but I-"
"I understand you. Because I have this problem too. I-" Taurus took a deep breath. You need to show her you know what she's going through. This way you can prove it, and there's no use in keeping secrets anyway, "I have bulimia. It's an eating disorder, where sufferers binge and purge. I do it all the time!" Taurus' own eyes were blurred with tears. Be strong, for Cancer! "I get you! Because I'm like you! I'd never, in my life, judge you! Ever!" Cancer stood, staring in silence for a moment, then broke down in tears. Taurus gathered her weeping friend in her arms, holding her close. Then she started to cry as well, voicing the pain she felt in kind with Cancer.
Taking her friend's face in her hands, though water still leaked from her eyes, Taurus let her full thoughts be heard.
"Cancer, I care about you, and I will always be here for you! I promise. Now, no more secrets, please!"
Cancer nodded, her expression now more determined instead of miserable, "No more secrets. Not anymore." With that, the two finally, finally, had no more secrets to be shared.
And maybe, they both thought simultaneously, that's for the best.

Yes, yes it is. This was a very feelsy chapter, and addressed some very serious topics, but there is hope for both of them to recover. It just takes time and support. Thanks for reading, but I gotta sign out now, bye!

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