35- Heat

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Sagi was still suspicious from that one day. Caprice and Aqua seemed fine, they'd turned back to normal after fainting... Except their eyes were still the intense, unnatural colors they'd been when they were corrupted. Pi wasn't really worried, as far as anyone could tell, but she was still shaken by the experience of being stabbed through the feet and therefore wasn't able to give the most clear opinion at the moment. And there was still the crumbling rose mark to deal with. No one, not even Pi herself, had ever seen it, or even something remotely close to it! That was worrying unto itself.
Sagi's concentration broke as she felt Caprice shift in her arms. The smaller girl looked up at her with those fiery green eyes, though Sagi was used to them now and they weren't as unsettling. Caprice smiled sweetly at Sagi, her auburn hair tumbling down her shoulders and frizzed by her movements. Sagi ruffled her hair, further mussing it, and pecked her on the cheek. She was surprised when Caprice's hands curled around her neck and her lips went to Sagi's. One hand broke its grip and traveled to Sagi's thigh, fingers padding down one by one in a teasing manner. On instinct, Sagi's own hands grasped Caprice's sides, and she felt the other girl's hand push them to her back. Taking the hint, Sagi slowly moved her hands up and down the length of Caprice's back, fingernails leaving tiny scratches where she put them. 

Caprice, skin tingling, kissed Sagi harder, her legs wrapping around the older girl's waist and pulling her closer. They were surprisingly strong for a girl of Caprice's stature, but that didn't matter with the training she got each day running the length of the castle. Both hands stroked up and down Sagi's thighs, and Caprice could practically feel the intentions of her girlfriend. Thoughts and pleads filled her mind from Sagi, but she refrained just to tease her. Sagi, hands moving from Caprice's back to her legs, had their fingers tracing a line from her hips to her ankles, and Caprice shivered excitedly at the contact. Clearly, Sagi wasn't really up for teasing today.
Still... It was fun to have her all riled up. And it encouraged Sagi to tease her too. Caprice liked that.
"Caprice..." Sagi muttered. Her breathing was heavy and strained, practically begging Caprice to just listen for once.
"Come on! Isn't this fun?" Caprice didn't know where the words that came from her mouth originated from. They just left her mouth in these moments, and Caprice knew they drives Sagi nuts. Caprice giggled not so innocently, "And you can wait." Sagi groaned, her voice reaching a crescendo as she protested.
"No I can't! You know I can't!" Sagi straddled Caprice's hips, crimson and good eyes alike staring at her with pent up emotion. It rolled off her girlfriend in waves, the words of Sagi's thoughts brought with it. Caprice just grinned and continued to move her hands along Sagi's thighs.
That day, Caprice was wearing a flowy strapless dress the colors of light streaming through a dense forest canopy. It was loose and lacy and showcased her figure well. Sagi had on a scarlet and gold tank top as well as tight black leggings. They were not hard to slip off, however, as the material they were made from was stretchy and elastic. Both girls were glad for this, as neither of them wanted to go through the trouble of struggling with stubborn clothes... For more than one reason.
"Caprice, please!" Sagi's voice was now pleading, and Caprice really had to strain to keep herself from just giving in to her girlfriend's wishes. Still, she couldn't help but start digging her nails in every time they were at Sagi's hips. Sagi bit her lip to contain a pleased whimper, even though Caprice knew it was there. Their gazes were both swirling with intense emotion, and Caprice couldn't, wouldn't, hold back any longer.
She pushed Sagi down onto the bed, lips crashing into hers as she let out a contented sigh. Sagi's legs were gripping her waist, pulling her closer and closer till they could feel the other's heartbeat. Caprice tangled her fingers in Sagi's hair, tugging playfully at it before getting up and slipping off her dress with graceful ease. Sagi stared at her, eyes wandering down her body before she began to do the same. Her tank top and leggings were cast onto the floor as they became lost in each other. Caprice kissed her, and behind it was a million thoughts of love and touch and things neither of them could comprehend in that moment. I love you, I love you, I love you...

  A knock on the door sounded, waking Caprice. She snuggled closer to Sagi, pressing against her to stay warm. The older girl laughed breathily, kissing her girlfriend before dressing and calling out to whoever was behind the door.
"One minute!" A sigh sounded on the other side.
"My god! You two need to come downstairs for a meeting with the Queen! Now." Caprice quickly put her underclothes and dress back on, fixing her hair best she could before yanking open the door. An unamused Ophi stood on the other side, eyebrow raised in a silent question before she shrugged and raced down the hall, Caprice and Sagi trailing behind.
They all arrived in time for the meeting, most of the others already there, save Virg and Leon. This was normal, as the two of them could take hours to get to a place. No one knew exactly why, but they did have some idea.
Caprice snickered. And we all know what that is...
The two crashed in moments later, Leon flustered while Virg looked impossibly nonchalant.
"This is your fault!" Leon grumbled as he took his seat. Virg just laughed and ruffled his hair, taking the seat next to him. Celeste looked amused at this, and smirked before her face returned to a mature expression.
"We have to talk about what just happened on Ophiucus' and Noctis' wedding day. Anyone have ideas?" The four oldest of the opposites looked at each other, smiling. They'd discussed this beforehand, each if them speculating the issue relentlessly. Caprice, Aqua, and Pi had all experiences the happenings firsthand, and Sagi was the one to make sense of these things. They all stood up in unison.
Everyone else in the room turned to them. Sagi cleared her throat and spoke first.
"We think it might have something to do with Umbra, and his generals. Everyone here knows Serpens was one of these generals, correct?" The others nodded.
Caprice spoke next, her voice serious for once, "Well, we believe he isn't dead, just mortally wounded, but that's besides the point. All four of us discussed the possibility that our corrupt forms are a way of accessing a kind of power like Umbra's, but not exactly. See, only the opposites can be harmed by it, as we don't have the full protection of the Zodiac. Still, it does major harm to anyone who uses it, which comes from the darker form of magic."
"Also, me and Caprice in particular have the same eye colors as we did while corrupted because that magic has altered one aspect of us. If we use it more, without treatment, it could... Take over us. That applies to all the opposites too." Aqua spoke with a heavy weight in her voice. The opposite Zodiacs fidgeted uncomfortably in their seats. Pi was last to speak.
"The treatment is simple; either have one of the healers purify the magic, or have one of the mind wielders draw it out of you." (The healers are the Taurus and Virgos, and the mind wielders are the Capricorns and Scorpios.)
All heads in the room nodded. Ophi piped up.
"What about the mark? Does anyone know where that came from?" Pi bit her lip but answered anyway.
"It's a birthmark. To show not only am I an opposite..." She cringed, "But that I'm also a dark opposite." Pisces gasped.
"What does that mean?"
"I have more capacity in dark magic, and am his exact opposite in most things. Like personality."
Celeste stood up from the table. Waves of uneasiness and concern rolled off her body and her thoughts echoed with those same emotions. What do I do to protect these children? Why can't they just be safe? I... A wave of pain smacked into Caprice. No. I won't fail them! I was young and naïve, but I'm not young anymore. I haven't been for a long time... The Queen swept to her room, bringing Noctis and Ophiucus with her.
Caprice frowned. I feel the same...

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