21- Quite What They Seem

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Sagittarius peeked open one eye, then the other. He shook his head to still the spinning world around him. The first thing he was surprised to see were the flaming tendrils that stretched from his tailbone. A tail? Really? It was simultaneously hilarious and worrying. After all, where had it come from and how was it here? It made no sense! Sagittarius shook it off, focusing on more important matters. He took a long glance around the room, seeing most of the others awake and seemingly fine, but also a tad confused and with animalistic features. They looked similar to him, actually. His gaze froze on Gemini, not because he wanted it to, but because he couldn't move an inch. Figures swam in front of his eyes and he shut them tight in an effort to stop the spinning.
Once Sagittarius could see straight, he soon found he'd been left on a mountainous cliff, miles above the ground. Unable to bridle his confusion, he asked to no one in particular;
Where am I?
In your kingdom, Sagittarius.
What the-!
Sagittarius stopped. A magnificent stallion stood before him, its coat a rich mahogany, its mane and tail flickering like flames. It looked at him with eyes of liquid fire, shifting colors in different patches from crimson to amber to gold. The stallion shook his head, eyes gazing pointedly at Sagittarius.
Forgive me for not introducing myself. I am Arcum, your Guardian. I was sent to give you this.
Arcum motioned to a bright fiery orange cushion behind him. On it, there was a brilliant orange stone, its surface etched with a bronze symbol. Them stone beckoned Sagittarius subconsciously, coaxing him to walk towards it.
What... Is it?
The object holding your power. As soon as you take it back, you will regain them... Among other things.
What other things, Arcum?
I'm not sure. You can also use it to call me for assistance.
You'll know when the time comes.
Alright... I trust you against my better judgement.
It isn't against anything, Sagittarius. Simply your instincts. Trust them, for they will be invaluable in the future.
Thank you. Now, do I just take it?
Yes, exactly.
Sagittarius crouched to pick up the stone, his hand hovering over it for just a moment.
Will I see you again?
When you call me, I'll be there.
With that, Sagittarius picked up the gem. It jolted his arm with a feeling of fiery strength, creeping up his arm into steely determination. For what, he didn't know, but he did know he'd need it.
Thank you, Arcum. I'll see you soon.
Sagittarius awoke, staring at the gem in his hand. It glittered even in the dim lamplight. Arcum's voice echoed in his mind, telling him what he needed to do.
Following the Guardian's instructions, Sagittarius pressed the stone gently to the symbol on his thigh. It sent another surge of determination rushing through him, further focusing Hus thoughts. I've got an inkling I'll want this soon. Real soon.

Thoughts immediately crashed into Capricorn's head as he woke from his sleep. They all were from his friends, confused, awed, focused, thankful, and a jumble of other things. Gathering from the information around him, Capricorn knew to look at himself, finding a few new assets.
First, there was a dark sea green tail, sleek with smooth overlapping scales. A translucent fin, much like those at the end of a mermaid's tail, was also at the end, a slightly lighter shade if green. Two goat's horns curved from his forehead, dark emerald at the base and a light yellow green at the tips. His body stiffened and he braced himself for the vision, hoping the memories he'd explored had prepared him for what was at hand.
Apparently, they had. There was no pain or disorientation when Capricorn arrived in the vision, it was really quite pleasant. He was underwater, tendrils of seaweed drifting in the waters around him. Capricorn spotted an open grove in the middle of the kelp forest, and swam to it easily as in the pool.
A creature, a goat with a fish's tail, waited patiently for him in the grove, floating behind a dark emerald cushion. A gem sat upon it, sparkling a dark emerald tinged with blue in the wavering light, a golden symbol engraved upon it's unblemished facet. The creature wore a placid expression on its face, its white coat glowing in the dim light, its dark sea green tail swishing through the water. Two horns the palest of browns extended from its forehead, and two sparkling green eyes, much like Capricorn's own, gazed calmly at him. He scanned its mind for thoughts, but found there were none.
That kind of magic does not work here, Capricorn.
Oh... I never had that occurrence before. Although... Ah yes, I can't mind read in visions, now can I.
No. Not here.
I see.
Sorry for the sudden introduction, I am Sapientiae, your Guardian.
Sapientiae? Wisdom, in Latin?
Why yes! Do you know Latin?
I know several languages, including Latin.
Impressive. I would expect nothing less.
Why exactly is the stone on the cushion in front of you, I may ask?
Your power, symbolized.
Yes, you will regain the ones you haven't received yet when you take it back, and it allows you to call me to your aid.
That'll be useful.
Indeed, that's why I'm giving it to you.
Great. I have a feeling I'll need it.
Your intuition is correct. You will need it, in time.
Capricorn, without further discussion, knew he had to take the stone home. How, he wasn't sure, but he had a feeling Sapientiae had a plan for that.
Farewell, my friend, I'll see you again soon.
Of course. Goodbye, Sapientiae!
Goodbye, Capricorn.
Capricorn picked up the gem, looking one last time at Sapientiae, then closed his eyes.
The gem's touch cleared the useless mutterings in his mind. He felt focused, able to think clearly without hesitation. It was a welcome feeling to him, and he allowed himself to slip from the vision's grasp.
Back in the material world, Capricorn woke with a jolt. The other's thoughts poured back into his head, though with the stone in his hands, he quickly filtered them out. Knowing what he should do, Capricorn rolled up his pant leg and put the gem to the mark on the back of his knee. It sent another rush of clarity to his brain, then subsided into nothingness. Phew! He thought, visions are exhausting!

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